
I was born in 1980 and have lived from one end of the country to the other. Currently I reside in the frozen tundra of Wisconsin with my wife and 2 daughters. I can’t remember a point in time when I wasn’t watching Star Trek or the Star Wars trilogy but my life was changed forever when I was introduced to Doctor Who in 1985 and that remains my primary fandom. In 1993, the Fox X-Men cartoon introduced me to Marvel comics and having three of my letters printed in various Marvel mags left me a permanent Marvel Zombie as well as QNS (Quite ‘Nuff Sayer) as well as a TTB (Titanic True Believer). In later years I also became a big fan of Babylon 5 as well as Japanese animation. These days with my scarce free time I try to maintain my hobbies of swimming, reading any sci-fi or fantasy novels I can get, retro gaming, or researching the history and inspiration for any of my fandoms. I can be found semi-regularly on the podcasts “Shauncastic” and “The Revcast” and have made an occasional contribution to Earth Station Who and the Earth Station one podcast.

The 42cast Episode 79: Agents of C.H.A.N.G.E.

Season 6 saw a lot of chagnes for Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. It was the first season that only ran for 13 episodes. It was the first season to run over the summer. It also was the first season without Agent Coulson. In the midst of all these changes the


The 42cast Episode 78: Chicago TARDIS 2016 – Classic Impressions

While many of the main characters in Doctor who are still with us there are several who have sadly passed. Big Finish has kept the memory of those Doctors and companions alive by recasting the parts. In this episode we once again take a step back to Chicago TARDIS 2016


The 42cast Episode 76: Scaling the Box Office

Ant Man and the Wasp had a strange position in the Marvel schedule. Sandwiched between Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, Ant Man and the Wasp tells the story of what happened to Scott Lang between Civil War and Infinity War. In this episode we unpack the story. We talk


The 42cast Episode 75: Happily Ever After

After six seasons, the Once Upon a Time showrunners decided that the series needed a change. Performing a soft reboot, they recast most of the characters and moved the action to a suburb of Seattle. The season met with mixed reactions. Many found it hard to get used to the


The 42cast Episode 74: Dr Erin Explains the Universe

Dr Erin Macdonald is an astrophysicist who teaches people about the science behind science fiction at cons and on her Youtube channel. In this episode we talk with Dr Erin and discuss the importance of science, how scientists and fandom engage each other, and inspirational figures in sci-fi. We also


The 42cast Episode 73: Cartoons of the 80’s

The 80’s were a time cartoons were becoming more and more popular. Greater channels and the rise of syndication meant that there was a lot of content out there. When you combine that with the rise of licensing and cartoons being created by toy companies, and you had a recipe


The 42cast Episode 72: Stones Fall, (Half of) Everyone Dies

Avengers: Infinity War was a unique event in the history of cinema. Never before had 18 movies and multiple franchises culminated in a single movie combining all of the franchises and giving payoff for the various stories. In this episode from the archives we do a deep dive into the


The 42cast Episode 71: Spooooooooooon!

Greetings, chums! The Tick has been entertaining us in various media for over 25 years. The Wild Blue Yonder is a fun character, often waffling between silly and profound, while telling offbeat superhero tales. In this episode we briefly discuss his comic origins before discussing his rise to popularity through


The 42cast Episode 70: They Create Worlds

Video games have been a hugely popular form of entertainment since their debut in 1972. As an art form almost 50 years old, historians have started to take a look at the saga of video games, chronicling and analyzing how they came to be what they are today. One podcast

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