Legendary Stories and Waffle House with Rikishi

Interview conducted August 30, 2024 by Courtney Goodrum I had the incredible honor to sit down and listen to the legend and WWE Hall of Famer Rikishi discuss his heritage, wrestling career, how much he loves Dragon Con, oh and Waffle House.  What does it mean to represent your Samoan

The Blurred Nerds Podcast 262

On this episode: This week The Geekfather is joined by longtime friend of the show, Courtney “Deadlift” Goodrum. As a lifelong wrestling fan, Deadlift is the perfect person to discuss the recent news surrounding Vince McMahon in the first half of the show. After the break, Marvel once again brought

Neurodiversity Rocks ⚡ Best Saturdays Vol.2: Ewoks & Droids

Neurodiversity Rocks ⚡  Best Saturdays Vol.2: Ewoks & Droids

Autism, ADHD, and an entire universe of neurodivergent individuals, many of whom find themselves dismissed and attacked by our society; represent the very core of the arts we all celebrate. People whose unique perspectives and imaginations create the art that gives our society meaning. We’re joined by OG Thunder Fam


If you’re a fan of Thunder Talk then you’re already a fan of Amanda Bones and Hell To Pay Management. Adam and Dan sit down with her and Ashley Rose to discuss their hit new show “How To Talk To Your Friend About Wrestling”. Then Zack Carpenter joins Amanda in

Earth Station One Ep 519

The Earth Station One Podcast – Wrestlemania Did it Fly or Did it Flop?

Not even a world in crisis can stop Wrestlemania from running wild, brother! Mike, Mike, Alex, and Gerald Glassford give heat and pops to each match on the two-night card in this giant-sized episode. All this, along with Rants & Raves, Angela’s A Geek Girl’s Take, Ashley’s Box Office Buzz,

The TRON Holiday Special: LIVE!

2 EPISODES IN 2 DAYS! MERRY CHRISTMAS! FIND US ON: Apple Podcasts – Google Play – iHeartRadio – Spotify – Stitcher and all that junk! Download us at https://www.thundertalk.org/episodes The TRON Holiday Special: LIVE! In our 2nd Holiday Special we, for the most part, just hit the record button… sorta.

Time For A Change – SOUL FORGE PODCAST 118

Yup, it’s time for a change. When things become stale, old or boring, we must look for a fresh perspective. We cannot continue to live by our old patterns. Like a snake that sheds its skin, we too must start over, begin again. This episode of the Soul Forge will

Joker, DragonCon, Toys, Dinosaurs and Mead – Rusted Robot Podcast 259

DragonCon 2019 wrap-up, movie trailers, toys, time travel and drinks! This week we discuss Shawn’s travel to Atlanta for DragonCon 2019. As we talk about the week’s geeky topics, we throw in several DragonCon anecdotes. We talk about the panels and the people at this year’s convention. Terminator Dark Fate

Pop Culture Police – Rusted Robot Podcast 254

Who are the pop culture police? Brother Robin joins Shawn to talk about the latest in pop culture news and entertainment. Quentin Tarantino and Once Upon A Time in Hollywood are discussed and dissected. There is also speculation on a Tarantino Star Trek future. Another Life on Netflix. The show

2 Geeks, A Lesbian and a Podcast – RUSTED ROBOT 235

2 geeks are joined by a lesbian on this week’s podcast to talk about space news, toys, fried chicken and more! RIP Peter Tork 1942 – 2019, Virgin Galactic’s VSS Unity goes on its first flight with a test passenger to the edge of space, Earth’s atmosphere is much larger

The Pro Wrestling Roudtable Ep 72

The Pro Wrestling Roundtable Episode 72 – Before Wrestlemania 34

It’s that time of year folks, the biggest weekend of the year for wrestling fans! Wrestlemania is here for the 34th time & is set up to be a big show with the wrestling debut of Rhonda Rousey, Daniel Bryan returns to the ring after a three year hiatus, &

pro wrestling roundtable Ep 71

The Pro Wrestling Roundtable Episode 71 – The State Of Wrestling 2018

It is the annual tradition around this time to have a discussion of the State Of Wrestling! So, John, Richard, & Jerry join around the roundtable to discussion the latest and current happenings going on in the wrestling world. The WWE naming the Women’s Battle Royal after Moolah is certain

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