
Howdy Mike’s Cover Raves – DC Comics Presents #32

by Mike Gordon This week, DC revealed (via Entertainment Weekly) that Superman’s new “leading lady” will be none other than his Justice League teammate, Wonder Woman. This caused a bit of a buzz online and offline. The news reminded me of one of my favorite DC Comics Presents covers. This

DC Comics writer quits, blasts company’s ethics

By Trent Moore, Source: DC Comics writer Chris Roberson, who has worked on recent projects such as Fables and Superman, has announced via Twitter he is leaving the company. Why? Because he doesn’t like the way DC treats writers. “Having an afternoon cocktail to celebrate the end of my

WB wins, heirs of Superman creators lose, latest legal tussle

By Trent Moore, Source: You know that legal tussle between Warner Bros. and the estates of Superman creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster over the copyright to Supes? It’s getting uglier, and Warner Bros. just clinched a key victory in the fight. The two sides have been fighting over

ESO at Metropolis Supercon March 10 & 11

ESO crewmembers Bobby Nash and Mike Gordon will be guests at the Metropolis Supercon in Metropolis, IL this weekend, March 10 & 11th. We both had a blast last year at this con and the line up for 2012 is even better! We will have our most recent projects available for sale and will

Could Dark Knight Rises offer first peek at that Superman reboot?

By Trent Moore, source: It looks like fans may just have to wait a few more months for the first look at the latest Superman reboot. Rumor has it the first official trailer for Zack Snyder’s (Watchmen, 300) Superman: Man of Steel film could debut when The Dark Knight

DC Comics to pick up EXACTLY where Smallville TV series left off

By Marc Bernardin, Source: Last year, we heard that Smallville’s story editor Bryan Q. Miller was going to continue the story of Tom Welling’s Clark Kent and his assorted cohorts from the WB series in a series of novels. Turns out DC’s plan is a little flashier and a

A New Superman Origin By Grant Morrison

by Rich Johnston, Source: I always loved the origin of Superman, as told by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely in All Star Superman, taking up one page and few words. But needs must as the devil drives and the new Action Comics series demands a more detailed retelling of

DC Comics Loses Trademark Fight Against Superloans

by Rich Johnston, Source: Bleeding; Yesterday, assistant commissioner of trademarks in New Zealand, Jenny Walden, as declared that Superloans character Buck does not infringe the Superman trademark of DC Comics/Warnr Bros The Dominion Post reports that Walden said that, “although it was clear Buck was a superhero because of

Why Henry Cavill won’t watch any of those other Superman flicks

By Matthew Jackson, Source: For better or worse, Henry Cavill is now part of an elite movie fraternity, one of the few men ever to don the cape and play the Man of Steel. But while prepping for his role in Zack Snyder’s Superman flick included a lot of

Rumor of the Day: Big-screen Superman and Batman to team up?

By Kevin Coll, Source: Blastr Marvel has set the bar high when it comes to superhero team-up films, what with The Avengers ready to make superhero movie history next year, which leaves DC to play catch-up with its own strategy of combining big-name characters into one film project. The latest

Man of Steel pushed to 2013 (Could The Hobbit be its kryptonite?)

By Krystal Clark, It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s Super—oh, no it’s not! Superman’s big-screen return has been delayed. Warner Bros. just pushed back Zack Synder’s Man of Steel, which means we have to wait even longer to see Henry Cavill in that famous cape and tights. The

“Superman” #712 Changes Draw Questions On Content

by Kiel Phegley, Last night, DC Comics sent out one of their regular “Direct Channel” e-mail newsletters to retailers, and in between announcements of ordering deadlines, issue sellouts and trade paperback reprints came much more unexpected news: that June 22’s “Superman” #712 would ship with entirely new contents than

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