Marvel has set the bar high when it comes to superhero team-up films, what with The Avengers ready to make superhero movie history next year, which leaves DC to play catch-up with its own strategy of combining big-name characters into one film project.
The latest rumor floating around now—which comes via Think McFly Think—is that sources say that the “studio is also quietly developing a Batman/Superman team-up movie.”
Back in March, Jeff Robinov, president of Warner Bros.’ motion picture group, spoke about how a Justice League project was in store for 2013 and a post-Christopher Nolan Batman movie of some kind with Nolan and crew producing was also happening.
While the Justice League has been on The WB and DC’s mind for years, there’s also been the same kind of talk about getting the two most popular DC characters together for a film. The closest it came was a Batman vs. Superman film that Wolfgang Petersen was to direct from a script by Andrew Kevin Walker. That fell apart, but executives loved that script. There was even a teaser poster in the Warner-produced film I Am Legend, which got everyone talking about it possibly happening someday.
Adding to the rumor is that it seems Henry Cavill is set to play Supes for the long haul, even in this potential crossover film, and they want to pair him up with Christian Bale, if they can sway him to play Batman again after The Dark Knight Rises. A new actor is not out of the question, as they could pair Cavill with the next Batman, who will appear in the solo films produced by Nolan. The rumored plot would have Batman “firmly established” while he helps “mentor an up-and-coming, fresh-faced Supes and vice versa.”
Still, plans remain solid around Justice League, The Flash, another iteration of Batman and Man of Steel, so it will be interesting to see if the rumor marinates into something more official soon.