
Cigar Nerds Podcast: Smoke That 90’s Show

Cigar Nerds Podcast: Smoke That 90’s Show. This week we’re taking a look at That 90’s Show, the Netflix sequel to That 70’s Show. Also we feel really old that things based off our child hood are now considered retro. Retro always meant the 70’s or 80’s now it included

Cigar Nerds Podcast: Blood Origin

Cigar Nerds Podcast: Blood Origin. This week the Ginger Avenger is back and we are talking about The Witcher Blood Origin on Netflix. Netflix’s prequal origin for monsters witchers and humans. In science we discuss how a turd took down a submarine, hologram phones, Jack the Ripper walking stick, and

Earth Station One Ep 662 - A Review of Wednesday

The Earth Station One Podcast – Wednesday Season One Review

Everyone’s favorite goth girl has left her kooky, spooky, and altogether ooky family and stars in her own series on Netflix. Mike, Mike, and Ashley enroll at Nevermore Academy and find that every Thing is coming up rose stems. All this, along with A Geek Girls Take and Shout Outs.

TV review: ‘Wednesday’ series is a creepy, kooky delight

Although I can recognize the classic Addams Family theme song the second I hear those iconic finger snaps, I don’t have a lot of other familiarity with the franchise, beyond knowing a few character names from pop culture references.  Initially, Netflix’s new spinoff series about Addams Family daughter Wednesday wasn’t

Punisher Season Two

The 42cast Episode 168: Jigsawed

The Marvel Netflix series garnered a large amount of support in the brief time that they were available. With Charlie Cox returning as Daredevil it was only a matter of time before rumors spread of others of the Netflix “Defenders” being folded into the MCU. Jon Bernthal is at the

The Cigar Nerds

Cigar Nerds Podcast: Wednesday’s Woe

Cigar Nerds Podcast: Wednesday’s Woe. This week Joe and Red take a look at Netflix’s latest adaptation of the Adams Family in Wednesday. A murder mystery wrapped up in a familiar package, but totally different than what we’ve seen before. In Science we talk about the effects of getting blackout

Movie review: ‘Enola Holmes 2’ is a delightful sequel

The first Enola Holmes movie — featuring the younger sister of famous literary detective Sherlock Holmes — premiered in the midst of the nightmare of a year that was 2020, in a world still upended by the COVID pandemic when theatrical film releases were few and far between.  Enola Holmes

Cigar Nerds Podcast: Welcome to the Dayshift

Cigar Nerds Podcast: Welcome to the Dayshift. We are starting spooky month off with a little trip to the westside to hunt vampires. We are talking The Dayshift staring Jamie Fox Dave Franco, and Snoop Dogg versus a bunch of vampires. Don’t forget your union card. In Science we talk

Cigar Nerds Podcast: Silver’s Cobra

Cigar Nerds Podcast: Silver’s Cobra. This week we break down season 5 of Cobra Kai. The epic conclusion of Terry vs Daniel and Johnny. Spoiler alert, probably the best fights of the series are in this season. Speaking of epic conclusions we wrap up our Dragon Con coverage with the

Voltron Legendary Defender

The 42cast Episode 160: Voltron Re-Animated

This week we set the way-back machine for 2019 and a discussion of the entirety of Voltron: Legendary Defender. We talk about our favorite characters as well as what worked and what didn’t. We also talk about the storylines and decisions that we enjoyed as well as those that seemed

The Blurred Nerds Podcast 264

On this episode: The drama both behind the scenes and in front of the world continues to drag on over at DC/WB/HBOMax with no end in sight for the moment. Peacock makes some moves, cancellations and renewals trickle out from other streamers and movie releases begin to shuffle. That and

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