By Katie McLaughlin, Source:
Achievers, raise your White Russian tumblers because this “Obsessions” is for you.
Do you hate the Eagles? Do you bowl? Compulsively drink White Russians (er, Caucasians)? Is your only form of identification a Ralph’s Value Club card? Got a rug that really ties the room together? You’re not alone, man.
When the Coen brothers’ “The Big Lebowski” hit theaters in 1998 it was, well, a gutter ball, earning just $17.5 million. The film starred Jeff Bridges as “The Dude,” John Goodman as Vietnam vet and Judaism convert Walter, Julianne Moore as feminist artist Maude, Steve Buscemi as loyal pal Donny and John Turturro as bowling rival/pedophile “The Jesus.”
But the Achievers (the fans of the movie) eventually found it, on VHS and then DVD and now Blu-ray, making it the cult phenomenon it is today.