Editor/Publisher Steve Donoso
A Renaissance Press Publication
62 pages
Last year pulp enthusiasts were treated to the premier of this excellent new magazine devoted to arguably the great pulp hero of them all, The Shadow. The magazine was crammed packed with excellent, informative articles, and great artwork all beautifully designed. Now comes the second issue equally as good only with an additional 12 pages. Talk about making a good thing better.
The first article “Stories of World History and The Shadow” kicks it all with a look at the greatest Shadow graphic adventure ever published, Marvel’s “Hitler’s Astrologer” as written by Denny O’Neil and illustrated by artists Michael Kaluta with gorgeous inks by Russ Heath. We think so highly of this book, we own two copies.
Next Will Murray offers up memories of his time working with Tony Tollin on the Sanctum Shadow reprints series. Murray’s anecdotes are always fun and sometimes eerily revealing.
Editor Steve Donoso then ushers in a truly wonderful pictorial of old New York by photographer Berenice Abbott that showcases a 1030s landscape that was clearly the landscape for many of the Shadow’s adventures. It is a nostalgic treasure we greatly enjoyed.
Tim King’s “The Dark Avenger in Military Heraldry” was really fascinating stuff.
Donoso then reviews Will Murray’s “Master of Mystery: The Rise of the Shadow.” Something we did as well when the volume was first released.
Todd D. Severin and Keith are their histories of the character with “The Shadow – Mysterious Being of the Night – The Pulp Years – Part 1.” Again informative and fun. Will be eagerly awaiting future segments.
“The Shadow and the Explorers Club” by Julian Puga is a short two-page article and a nice finale to a wonderful issue.
If you’re a Shadow enthusiast by any degree, visit their online website and pick up a copy…of both issues. You’ll be richer for it. Tell them the sun is shining by the ice is slippery. (