by Kathie Huddleston for
Listen to the creator of Teen Wolf Jeff Davis talk and you hear him mention Spider-Man, Buffy and The Lost Boys when it comes to his inspiration for MTV’s new werewolf series, which premieres this Sunday. He even embraces the show’s namesake, Michael J. Fox’s 1985 comedy Teen Wolf—although he’s quick to point out the differences.
“I take my cue from the Spider-Man comics I loved as a kid,” said Davis in an exclusive interview. “He was a teenager, first and foremost, falling asleep in class because he was out busy getting pictures of his alter ego, Spider-Man, to sell to the newspaper in order to live and afford his life. I mean, it’s great when normal life always kind of interferes with the supernatural one, with the life of the hero. It’s a challenge to constantly ground things in reality, but I think it makes the show better. I always loved Buffy for that reason as well. They did such a good job with the fact that she was a high school student. And every now and then they were able to remind us when Willow said, ‘Hey, I have a final. I can’t go out and kill vampires.”