Year in Review

My top 10 favorite geek stories of 2022

When I was putting together my “best of the year” list for 2022, I had to chuckle because at least half of the items that ended up being my favorites were either A) not even on my radar at the start of the year or B) a movie or TV

Earth Station One Ep 610

The Earth Station One Podcast – 2021 In The Geek Seat

At long last, 2021 is over and there was much rejoicing! As we turn the page to a new chapter, Mike, Mike, Ashley, and Adrian Powers review the best and worst moments of the past year. Plus, another favorite filmmaker from Down Under, Gough from Beernuts Productions, is featured in

Earth Station One Ep 558

The Earth Station One Podcast – 2020 In The Geek Seat

There’s no question that the past year put all of us through the wringer, so it’s only fair that we return the favor. Mike, Mike, Ashley, Keith Johnson, and the award-winning author Bobby Nash review the highs and lows along with what they each look forward to in 2021. All

So long, 2020: Reflections on pop culture in a weird and wild year

At the beginning of 2020, I was feeling what I’d call “stubbornly optimistic” about the year ahead. 2019 hadn’t been the best year for me personally, and I was excited for a fresh start. There were going to be tons of cool new movies to blog and podcast about. There

Best of 2019: Entertainment year in review

It may have gotten off to a bit of a slow start, but 2019 really was a great year for movies and TV. When I was compiling my list of personal favorites, I had to limit myself to 10, because this list could have easily gotten out of hand. It

Year in review: My favorite movies of 2018

Although it sort of seemed like 2018 didn’t have as many “big” movies as years past, I ended up having no trouble putting together a list of my favorite films from last year. The past few years, I’ve done a top 5, but I just couldn’t bring myself to cut

Beyond the Oscars: Pick your own Academy Awards categories!

Although I always enjoy hearing what films are nominated for the Academy Awards each year, I often like to joke that my personal favorite movies of the year typically don’t get mentioned until the more technical categories, like “best visual effects.” ? So, just for fun, I made up some

2017 in review: My five favorite movies of the year

Another year is winding down at the box office, which means it’s time to take a look back and see what movies hit (or missed) the mark! Like always, there were some surprises and disappointments, with some films that lived up to the hype and some that fell short of

So long, 2016 — entertainment year in review

By Ashley Pauls/Box Office Buzz 2016 was quite a year — in both good ways and bad. While 2016 will probably not go down in history as one of the most beloved years, at least it was a very good year in entertainment.

Entertainment year in review: My top five of 2015

By Ashley Pauls/Box Office Buzz At the end of year, I normally put together a top 10 list of my favorite entertainment items. When I first started blogging, I just did five items, mostly because I was still figuring this whole blogging thing out, 😉 but I later bumped it

Top 10 of 2013: Entertainment year in review

By Ashley Bergner Box Office Buzz In 2012, “The Avengers” was the king of the box office. It was that one movie everyone was talking about, the one everybody felt they had to see opening weekend, and it ended up near the top of the all-time highest grossing movies list.

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