Pro Wrestling Roundtable Ep 58

The Pro Wrestling Roundtable Episode 58 – All The Marbles

The Pro Wrestling Roundtable once again goes to the movies! John & Richard are joined by their good friend Jerry Chandler to look at the Peter Falk helmed …All The Marbles from 1981. This is somewhat a forgotten classic in the wrestling community which features a manager and a female

Pro Wrestling Roundtable Ep 57

The Pro Wrestling Roundtable Episode 57 – Flying High

Join the Roundtable as the fellas discuss high flyers of the WCW cruiserweights & 205 Live wrestlers. John is once again joined by Richard and Jonathan Williams from Wrestling With Pop Culture. We are also proud to have Scott Hood back on all the way from the U.K. To round

Pro Wrestling Roundtable Ep 55

The Pro Wrestling Roundtable Episode 55 – Figures Toy Company

John & Richard have a special guest for all you Pro Wrestling Roundtable Podcast fans. In continuing our wrestling action figure toy talk we are joined by the Chief Marketing Officer for Figures Toy Company Chris DePetrillo! He gives us his history with the company and how wrestling figures became

Pro Wrestling Roundtable Ep 53

The Pro Wrestling Roundtable Podcast Episode 53 – On The Fritz

This is a very special episode as some would say as John and Richard talk about a few subjects while Jonathan is on assignment. Before the main subject, they talk about the on going internet war between Jim Cornette and Vince Russo. Also, Richard shares a few thoughts about Harley

The Pro Wrestling Roundtable Ep 52

The Pro Wrestling Roundtable Ep 52 – Wrestling What Ifs

It is once again time for another episode of The Pro Wrestling Roundtable where the guys talk about What Ifs in wrestling history. There are many things that if they didn’t happen, things could have gone in a very different way. From Hogan to Stone Cold to many other things

Pro Wrestling Roundtable Ep 51

The Pro Wrestling Roundtable Episode 51 – Talking About The Talkers

The Pro Wrestling Roundtable is back with a show where we talk about the talkers of wrestling. John, Richard, & Jonathan have a great discussion about some of their favorites announcers, backstage interviewers, and any talk that has a hand in helping the wrestlers tell the story thats happening in

The Pro Wrestling Roundtable Ep 50

The Pro Wrestling Roundtable Episode 50 – Thank You ‘Taker’

We have finally hit the big 5-0, that’s right, The Pro Wrestling Roundtable has done 50 episodes. So in honor of our big number, we are going to talk about arguably the biggest superstar ever, The Undertaker! From the beginning of his career to the end, the crew talks about

Pro Wrestling Roundtable Ep 49 B+

The Pro Wrestling Roundtable Podcast Episode 49 B+ – Wrestlemania 33 Talk

Finally, Part B+ of our Wrestlemania 33 Extravaganza Coverage! This time John, Richard, and’s Jonathan Williams are joined with Earth Station One’s “Howdy” Mike Gordan, and a friend of John’s from across the pond, David Wharton. They talk all things Wrestlemania including Beach-Ball-Mania & even a wave on Monday

The Pro Wrestling Wroundtable 49a

The Pro Wrestling Roundtable Episode 49a – Wrestlemania 33 Review

Wrestlemania 33 certainly lived up to its tagline The Ultimate Thrill Ride by being a rollercoaster of a show! From great matches to a marriage proposal to the end of the Deadman’s career. There is so much to talk about for the show of shows, that we will have two

The Pro Wrestling Roundtable Ep 48

The Pro Wrestling Roundtable Episode 48 – Wrestlemania 33 Preview

The Show of Shows is here! Wrestlemania 33 is just around the corner so The Pro Wrestling Roundtable is here to give their thoughts and opinions on how the road to Wrestlemania is shaping up. John, Richard, and Jonathan Williams are joined by Ryan Cadaver from the Casket Creatures as

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