Face front, True Believers! Next week, The ESO crew discusses the career of writer, editor, spokesman, & cameo superstar, Stan “The Man” Lee. Stan Lee had a hand in the creation of the Marvel Universe as writer and editor. Together with his artist partners, Lee helped create The Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Spider-man, The X-Men, The Hulk, and so much more.
But that’s not all, Marvelites! It just wouldn’t be an episode of ESO without Rants and Raves, The Khan Report, Shout Outs, two minutes with Dr. Geek, and you won’t want to miss it when we strap Star Trek Continues Captain Kirk, Vic Mignona into The Geek Seat. You get all this and more next week on the Earth Station One podcast. Don’t miss it!
‘nuff said.
ESO wants to hear from you. What are your favorite Stan Lee stories? Share yours at esopodcast@gmail.com, www.esonetwork.com, Facebook, Twitter, or Google+. Who knows, we might just share yours on the show.