By Nathalie Caron, Source:;
Despite the overall meh-ness that was Torchwood: Miracle Day, Gwen Cooper herself, actress Eve Myles, is hoping Torchwood fans will at least get the closure they deserve (yes, we do!) through either another series or a movie. But don’t hold your breath until at least 2013.
In an interview with Cult Box, the Welsh actress, who plays good ol’ Captain Jack Harkness’ (John Barrowman) gutsy, ballsy best friend—offered some tidbits about the future of the sci-fi series:
“As far as I know at the moment, everything’s still very much on hold. Russell [T Davies] has things happening in his personal life.
“John [Barrowman] is very much on the same page as me, in that if and when they need us, they can just pick the phone up and we will be there before they’ve even put the phone down, because it’s something we love doing.
“Nothing’s going to happen in 2012, I know that much for sure. But who knows what will happen in 2013. Maybe a movie, to kinda draw a line under it.
“That’s the thing about Torchwood, every series we’ve changed our format. We’ve always had a gap in between, so fingers crossed, because we’ve got such an outstanding loyal fan base. They deserve Torchwood to go ahead with something else to draw a line under it, for the fans to have a bit of closure.”
Right now, former Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies is waging a war on two fronts: His partner has recently been diagnosed with cancer, so Davies is back in the U.K. from L.A.; and he’s also currently hard at work on a new CBBC series titled Aliens vs. Wizards.
While we kinda feel the need for Torchwood closure with another series or movie in order to erase the bitter aftertaste left by Miracle Day, we do have a few demands for the future-powers-that-be, being: A) that they get actual ALIENS into the new story, B) that they get rid of that whole Rex-is-also-immortal storyline and C) that they do not, ever again, have Gwen shooting a gun while holding her baby in her arms. Okay?
So, do you want more Torchwood? And if so, would you rather have it in the shape of a new series or a movie? Or do you think it should stay buried and dead with Miracle Day?