Soul Forge

The Soul Forge Podcast

The Soul Forge is a place of silent mystery, quiet contemplation, and outright mayhem!

Shawn Vanderloo guides you through the adventures of living, but mostly talks about stupid things he has done because of girls. Topics include life and love, sex and dating, joy and heartache, memories and loss, and so much more! Don’t worry, it’s not nearly as pretentious as it sounds.

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Shawn Vanderloo

Soul Forge 77: Sleep and Dreams

Sleep and dreams on episode 77 of the Soul Forge Podcast. Shawn and Tracy are discussing their earliest memories of sleep, and talking about bedtime habits and routines. Everyone you know has a unique set of night-time rituals. Napping is a thing that some people love to do, while others

Soul Forge 76: Preparing For Baby

There’s a baby on the way! There’s a baby on the way! When time is running out, and there’s a baby on the way, how do you prepare for the arrival? Jay stokes the fires of the Soul Forge with his take on preparing for baby. The first thing we

Soul Forge Podcast: 75 F@%&ING EPISODES!

We are celebrating 75 episodes, and we are doing it by letting loose, cursing, laughing and going totally random! Shawn and Tracy are joined by first-timer Melissa. Jay was unable to make it this time. Canada Post is on strike and we discuss how that is affecting and disrupting daily

Soul Forge 74: How Social Media Changed the World

Social Media has changed the universe of human interaction. This time, the hosts of The Soul Forge Podcast take on the exciting idea of social media and how it has shaped, and changed society. Sometimes these changes are for the better, but sometimes they are not. Some effects may not

Soul Forge 73: Meditation

Your meditation and meditating guide is here! At the very least, it will be a brief introduction for you… This week on the Soul Forge Podcast, we’re talking about what meditation is, what it entails, how and where to do it, as well as our personal experiences with it. It’s

Soul Forge 72: Just Survive Somehow – Suicide

Suicide. It is a delicate topic. There are no easy ways to talk about it, other than directly. This week on the Soul Forge Podcast, Tracy makes her return to the show and opens up about her struggles with depression, anxiety, and guilt. In this emotional episode, she shares her

SOUL FORGE 71: Weed Love To Talk

Weed is now legal in this country, so let this episode be your welcome to Cannabis Canada! No matter what you call it, and there are more than 1200 slang terms for it… (Pot, Weed, Blunt, Chronic, 420, Astro Turf, Catnip, Wacky Tabacky, Kush, Cannabis, Marijuana, Roach, Reefer, Doobie, Grass,

Soul Forge 70: Adult Friendships

Adult Friendships is the topic of the week on the Soul Forge Podcast. How to make friends: a brief outline or a helpful user’s guide. The Soul Forge is tackling the tricky world of making friends as an adult, and why are we doing this you may ask… Some people

Soul Forge 69: SEX

Sex is this week’s topic. What else could we be discussing on episode number 69? Shawn is joined by Karen and Jason for this brief look at sexuality. We talk about how old we were when we lost our virginity, as well as where the event occurred and who it

Soul Forge 68: The Brigitte Episode

The long awaited, much anticipated Brigitte episode is finally here! Listen in as Shawn discusses the relationship from its very beginnings right to the end. Remember, these are Shawn’s memories, and are accurate to the best of his ability to recall the events mentioned. Topics include how Shawn and Brigitte

Soul Forge 67: Pumpkin Spice Everything

Hallowe’en is just around the corner and that means pumpkin spice is in the air! This episode is a friendly chat between Shawn and Tracy about local events, the pumpkin spice season, favourite podcasts, and a bit of Brigitte stuff. Our Hallowe’en talk includes such topics as the proper age

Soul Forge 66: Would You Rather?

What will you do? Choices. Decisions. Deliberations. Choose your own adventure! This week, Shawn and Tracy pose a series of questions to each other. These queries range from the philosophical to the downright silly. One thing all the questions have in common is that they will make you stop and

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