The Monster Scifi Show – Scifi News For 10/18/2019
Last week’s Scifi News podcast is finally out.
Last week’s Scifi News podcast is finally out.
After a bit of a hiatus, the Scifi News podcast is back and even better, Mr. Gene joins in the fun. Now, you’re wondering, what are two big nerds talking about:
FINALLY!!!! Star Wars IX trailer has finally arrived from Star Wars Celebration in Chicago. Mr. Gene and I are recording this special podcast while watching the new trailer in real time. Does this bring us, Hope? Does it bring order to the galaxy? What does Vincent Price have to do
The first order of business is to give a couple of overdue shout-outs. Shout-out to abcjunkie for giving a great review of this podcast on iTunes. 2nd shout-out to David for being my 11th subscriber on YouTube and for providing me with link to a Godzilla wiki page. Now, on to the business
Here’s a quick podcast about Netflix’s The Cloverfield Paradox. Yes, the sequel to Cloverfield that everyone wanted but didn’t know when. Thanks to a clever Super Bowl ad, those prayers were answered.
As Irma huffed and puffed, she could not blow this podcaster away…wait, that came out wrong!!! (That’s was she said!) Putting this childish humor aside, it is indeed great to be back and to be able to podcast once more. As with past Scifi News, I will be talking about
Cigar Nerds Podcast Episode 78: Bug Hunt. The Mobil Infantry needs you! Remember service guarantees citizenship. This week we go on a bug hunt as we celebrate the Twentieth Anniversary of Starship Troopers and discuss its less than awesome sequels. So come on you apes you wanna live forever. We
Long delayed but it has arrived for your listening pleasure. Yes, Mr. Gene and I have taken the podcast on the road to talk about Star Trek Beyond. Did this movie win our hearts or did it suck like Star Trek Into Darkness???
The Monster Scifi Show Podcast is going to tackle the mystery of 10 Cloverfield Lane. How is this connected to the Cloverfield movie? Check out this podcast for that bit of insight.
by Brendon Connelly, Source: Bleeding Cool A deal has been closed for Fringe to get thirteen final episodes to round out its story and wrap up nicely. Well, in theory at least. Bad Robot television had a much longer to prepare for the ending of Lost and that still left
By Nathalie Caron, Source: The search is finally over, and the Holy Grail has been found! Well, not exactly the Holy Grail, but it comes pretty darn close in our geeky book of awesome! J.J. Abrams has finally found the man who’ll play his Star Trek 2 villain, and
By Nathalie Caron, Source: J.J. Abrams’ 2009 Star Trek film did two major things right: It rebooted a tired-yet-beloved sci-fi franchise — injecting it with some kick-ass new life and even newer blood — while at the same time keeping almost 45 years of Trek history and lore relatively