
Cosmic Pizza Podcast Episode 55 – Our Top Three Starships

The Cosmic Pizza Podcast brings you episode 55 – Our Top Three Starships. Today the Pizza Men bring you their top three starships of all time. Shows featured in this show are Star Trek, Firefly, Hitchhikers Guide, Dr Who, Mass Effect and of course Star Wars. Which are your favourite

Bradley Palermo & The Shadow Queens ⚡ A THUNDER TALK Christmas Event

Welcome to another Sorta-Christmas Special where we sorta talk about the holidays! We open these folk-punk festivities bearing gifts. Otherwise BYOB + $5 at the door. Our first gift doesn’t need a special occasion to be a special occasion. Bradley Palermo returns to Thunder Talk, this time backed by The

Gone but not Forgotten

The 42cast Episode 128: Gone but not Forgotten

We’ve all had the experience. We absolutely love a TV series and follow it faithfully, but then it’s canceled after one or two seasons. In this episode we take a look at all the contenders who got knocked out early in the fight. We air our grievances and talk about


The 42cast Episode 24: Batman Year Negative Nine

Third time’s the charm as we delve into the third season of Gotham with this episode of The 42cast. It’s a story of crime wars, mutated freaks, and political machinations as we discuss the coming of Ra’s al Ghul, the Penguin/Riddler war, and the return of Jerome. We also talk

The 42cast Episode 1: Press Start to Continue

This is it, the first ever, action packed episode of The 42cast, your Ultimate Answer to Fandom, Geekiness, and Everything. We’re a group of podcasters who love talking about geeky subjects. Each week we’re going to come to you with a new topic from the geekisphere. We may talk about

Ratchet RetroCast Episode 60 – Hack The RetroCas

This is our world now… the world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud. One of the main lines from the hacker manifesto. Jack in and take a listen as the RetroCast celebrates the 20th anniversary of one of our favorite movies from the 90’s: Hackers!

The Cigar Nerds Podcast Episode 6: The Whedonverse

The Cigar Nerds Episode 6: The Whedonverse. This week our nerds look back at the journey of one of our nerd heroes, Joss Whendon. We discuss the all the things that came before the Avengers, and jump into Buffy, Angel, Firefly, and Dr Horrible. We also welcome a special guest

Next On Earth Station One…

Next week, Earth Station One heads back to the black as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Firefly. Although it only ran a few short episodes, fans of Joss Whedon and Tim Minear’s little sci fi show that could are as devoted as ever. ESO takes a look at the

Nathan Fillion is having a Firefly reunion on Castle. Who’s showing up?

By Marc Bernardin, Source: The once and future Malcolm Reynolds has never shied away from dropping little tributes to Joss Whedon’s late, lamented sci-fi western in his current gig on ABC’s hit cop show. But now he’s going to bring more than an old costume … he’s bringing an

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