
BFLTN 82 cosplay dog and Morlock

But First, Let’s Talk Nerdy Episode 82: No clever title for this one… sorry, folks!

We’re back with But First, Let’s Talk Nerdy Episode 82! First it’s more Marvel mutant talk from Martha about those mysterious underground tunnel dwellers, the Morlocks! Then Brittany examines the history of cosplay, from its humble science fiction convention beginnings to the thriving cosplay community of today… But First, Let’s

The Monster Scifi Show – Scifi News for 7/8/22

I am burning the midnight oil, but why? At these prices, how can I afford to do this with these high market price? I’m passing the savings to you and best of all my podcast is free of charge. The only commitment you need to do is sit back and

Naughty and Nice

Naughty and Nice – Rusted Robot Podcast 316

Talking art, anime, Terminators, Star Trek, comic books and more! This week we are both naughty and nice! The Big Tease (Naughty and Nice) by Bruce Timm. Kitty from Jump City Comics and Collectibles gives us her review of this provocative art books. Featuring drawings and sketches from many years,

But First, Let’s Talk Nerdy Episode 12: Death and Conspiracy in Nerd Life

But First, Let’s Talk Nerdy Episode 12! Martha talks about why death is meaningless in Comics, and Brittany talks about some of the most fun conspiracies in a classic: Pokémon! But First, Let’s Talk Nerdy on Podbean! But First, Let’s Talk Nerdy on Instagram! Please rate and review But First,

The Cigar Nerds

Cigar Nerds Podcast Episode 100: From Zero to a 100

Cigar Nerds Podcast Episode 100: From Zero to 100. This week we celebrate a podcasting milestone, 100 episodes ! When we started the crazy experiment 4 years ago we never expected to make it this far. We thank everyone for continuing to listen to us ramble about nerd shit each

The Monster Scifi Show Podcast – Scifi News for 10/6/2017

The Scifi News podcast is back and delivers the goods albeit delayed. What were the “BIG” 3 scifi news items: Season 3 review of Rick and Morty, The Rickmobile and the special sauce from McDonald’s Disney wanted to keep Agents of Shield. So it’s not just me watching this series. Is The

The Monster Scifi Show Podcast – Logan

Join Mr. Gene and me for the last hurrah for Logan A.K.A. The Wolverine. As always, this is a SPOILER filled episode so please do not listen unless you’ve watched the movie.

The Monster Scifi Show Podcast – Scifi News For 2/10/2016

SCIFI NEWS FOR THIS WEEK IS BACK WITH A VENGEANCE!!! Right as I was going to record my show, there was news about a new Battlestar Galactica movie for the big screen. Being a BSG fan, I had to throw in my two cents on the matter.

Will we see Cyclops and Jean Grey in that X-Men: 1st Class sequel?

By Nathalie Caron, Source: Blastr.com Ever since we heard the exciting news that X-Men: First Class was officially getting its sequel—and that Matthew Vaughn would be back in the director’s chair—we’ve been psyched thinking about the many, many possibilities the sequel will without a doubt bring. Those include (among others)

Producer reveals there WILL be an X-Men 4 and 5

Always wanted to see more of Professor Charles (Patrick Stewart) Xavier’s bald head—instead of the full head of hair James McAvoy will sport in X-Men: First Class? Well, that wish may come true, because producer Lauren Shuler Donner let slip that not one but two sequels to X-Men: Last Stand

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