
Thor Love and Thunder

The 42cast Episode 169: Not the GOAT(s)

Thor: Love and Thunder is the fourth installment in the Thor franchise. Once again pairing Chris Hemsworth with director Taika Waititi, the movie generated interest when it was announced that Natalie Portman would reprise her role as Jane Foster. Similar to Thor: Ragnarok the film had a strong comedic element

Mlnori Book Review By Ron Fortier

‘Mjolnir’ Book Review By Ron Fortier

MJOLNIRBy B.C. JamesSelf-published376 pgs Often when reviewing a book we’ve absolutely loved, our most daunting challenge is getting that euphoria to you, dear readers.  “Mjolnir” is one of those books. It is a comedy-fantasy-action adventure, and if all those elements blended together do not spell pulp, then we don’t know


The 42cast Episode 158: Alternate Takes

Marvel has gone into the multiverse in a big way. In this episode we take a look at the biggest expression of that to date with What If. We discuss the series as the MCU’s first animation project. We discuss the What If concept and talk about which episodes worked

‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ is, at times, both mighty and ‘meh’

I’ve been pondering over Thor: Love and Thunder ever since I walked out of the theater on Saturday night, trying to decide what I wanted to say in my review. And honestly, I’ve been having a little trouble organizing my thoughts into a cohesive opinion.  I feel like I’m in

The Blurred Nerds Podcast 261

On this episode: Spoilers in the first half of the show as we discuss Thor Love & Thunder. In the second half of the show: Let’s catch up on TV! Strange New Worlds continues to woo us and the summer season finales hit. Proud member of the ESO Network – –


The 42cast Episode 104: Make Mine Marvel

Eighty years ago a man named Martin Goodman founded Timely Comics, and the world would never be the same. We discuss the history of Marvel, starting with its founding in 1939 as Timely Comics. We discuss the name changes to Atlas and eventually Marvel. We talk about the major characters

Thunder Talk Lost Episode

Thunder Talk The Lost Episodes – Cold Bilgesnipe: Patreon Exculsive

For over a year Thunder Talk operated outside the love and guidance of the ESO network resulting in many Lost Episodes. This is a segment from one of them… Got a monkey on you back? How would Sexy Thor take the edge off? With Bilgensnipe! Cold Bilgesnipe! The Folks at


The 42cast Episode 72: Stones Fall, (Half of) Everyone Dies

Avengers: Infinity War was a unique event in the history of cinema. Never before had 18 movies and multiple franchises culminated in a single movie combining all of the franchises and giving payoff for the various stories. In this episode from the archives we do a deep dive into the

Thor 3

The 42cast Episode 31: A Hela Good Time

It’s been over six months, since Thor: Ragnarok hit theaters. Teaming up Thor with the Hulk, the film boasted a higher humor content than previous movies in the Thor franchise and also ended up being the highest grossing film in the series to date. This week, the 42cast talks about

The Cigar Nerds

Cigar Nerds Podcast Episode 84: State of the MCU

Cigar Nerds Podcast Episode 84: The State of the MCU. To infinity stones and beyond! Way back on episode 3 we talked about the Marvel Cinematic Universe and in the 3 years we’ve been podcasting so many more movies have been added to that list. So with the Black Panther

The Monster Scifi Show Podcast – Thor Ragnarok

From the shattering of Meow-meow by Hela, to Thor’s new hairdo from Space Supercuts, and to Thor seeing his friend from work, with all these great moments from the trailer, can Thor Ragnarok the movie deliver on the promised goods?

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