Peter Cushing

The Ghoul (1975) | Episode 447

Jim reflects on a classic 1975 horror film from Tyburn Film Productions directed by Freddie Francis, “The Ghoul,” starring Peter Cushing, Veronica Carlson, John Hurt, Alexandra Bastardo, Gwen Watford, Stewart Bevan, Ian McCulloch, Dan Meaden and Don Hendersan. Two couples find themselves lost in “the moors” and facing a strange

From Beyond The Grave | Episode 406

Jim reflects on the final anthology film by Amicus Productions – 1974’s “From Beyond The Grave,” starring Peter Cushing, David Warner, Wendy Allnutt, Rosalind Ayres, Marcel Steiner, Ian Brennen, Donald Pleasence, Angela Pleasence, Diana Dors, John O’Farrell, Ian Carmichael, Margaret Leighton, Nyree Dawn Porter, Ian Ogilvy, Lesley-Anne Down, Jack Watson,

Frankenstein & The Monster From Hell | Episode 395

Jim discusses the last “Frankenstein” film produced by Hammer Films – 1974’s “Frankenstein & The Monster From Hell,” starring Peter Cushing, Shane Briant, Madeline Smith, David Prowse, John Stratton, Michael Ward, and Patrick Troughton. Directed by Terence Fisher, this film would also be Fisher’s last feature film. Find out more

And Now The Screaming Starts | Episode 371

Jim discusses a classic horror film from Amicus Productions directed by Roy Ward Baker – “And Now The Screaming Starts,” starring Peter Cushing, Stephanie Beacham, Ian Ogilvy, Patrick Magee, Herbert Lom and Douglas Gamley. A newly married couple experience strange happenings, including murder, at the groom’s family estate. Is a

At The Earth’s Core | Episode 360

Jim looks at a sci-fi favorite from 1976 – Edgar Rice Burrough’s “At The Earth’s Core,” starring Doug McClure, Peter Cushing, Caroline Munro, Cy Grant, Sean Lynch, Godfrey James and Bobby Parr. A mid 19th century expedition lands a scientist and a mining magnate into a world located 500 miles

Horror Express | Episode 358

Jim hops aboard a train for a ride on 1972’s “Horor Express,” starring Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, Telly Savalas, Alberto De Mendoza, Faith Clift and Silvia Tortosa. Passengers aboard the Trans-Siberian Express are mysteriously dying and an ancient artifact is missing. Could there be a connection? Find out on this

Frankenstein Created Woman| Episode 350

Jim reflects on a 1967 classic from Hammer Films and the fourth in its Frankenstein Franchise – “Frankenstein Created Woman,” starring Peter Cushing, Susan Denberg, Thorley Walters, Robert Morris, Barry Warren, Duncan Lamont, Alan MacNaughtan, Peter Blythe and Derek Fowlds.  The Baron is back with a new experiment involving capturing

Soulless Automaton

The 42cast Episode 170: What’s in a Name?

From Respeecher to Deep Fakes, we hear about it all the time. The technology continues to develop, so that studios can recreate the faces and voices of actors that have passed or aged out of certain roles. In this episode we discuss the implications of this technology. We talk about

The Creeping Flesh | Episode 329

Jim looks back on a classic horror film from Tigon Productions – 1973’s “The Creeping Flesh,” starring Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, Lorna Heilbron, Duncan Lamont, Jenny Runacre, Michael Ripper, Kenneth J, Warren and George Benson. A scientist’s exploration into a possible cure for evil results in tragic consequences. Find out

Asylum | Episode 325

Jim reflects on a film he first saw during his first year of college – 1972’s “Asylum,” starring Peter Cushing, Barbara Parkins Richard Todd, Barry Morse, Britt Ekland, Charlotte Rampling, and Patrick Magee. A young psychologists seeking work inn an asylum for the criminally insane, must determine which of the

Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed | Episode 315

On this episode of MONSTER ATTACK!, Jim Adams travels down memory to reflect on a film that helped him through a difficult time, 1969’s “Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed,” starring Peter Cushing, Veronica Carlson, Simon Ward, Freddie Jones, Thorley Walters and Geoffrey Bayldon. The Baron is at it again blackmailing a

Earth Station Who Episode 62 – Dr. Who and the Daleks

The ESW experience Dalekmania! Mike, Mike, Jen, and the Phantom Troublemaker review the two feature film adaptations starring Peter Cushing as Dr. Who. We also share some thoughts on casting American actors to play the various incarnations of the Doctor as well as who we’d like to see play the

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