
Runaways Season Three

The 42cast Episode 224: Final Run

Marvel’s Runaways adapted a relatively unknown but also fairly recent comic book concept for the small screen. The story followed the children of super villains who ran away from their parents and become heroes. In this episode we take a look at the final season of the series. We discuss

Legion Season 3

The 42cast Episode 219: Time After Time

Legion was one of two TV series that Fox produced while owning the X-Men license. The story followed David Haller, the son of Professor Charles Xavier; his struggles with mental health; and his development as one of the most powerful mutants on the planet. The series was told from the

Earth Station One Ep 729 - Only Murders In The Building Season 3 Review

Only Murders In The Building Season 3 Review

Grab your hankies and get ready for the ill-fated opening of Death Rattle Dazzle! Mike, Mike, Felicity Kusinitz, and Sarah Rose patter on about the star-studded new season. All this, along with Angela’s A Geek Girl’s Take, Ashley’s Box Office Buzz, Michelle’s Iconic Rock Moment, and Shout Outs. We want

The Blurred Nerds Podcast 264

On this episode: The drama both behind the scenes and in front of the world continues to drag on over at DC/WB/HBOMax with no end in sight for the moment. Peacock makes some moves, cancellations and renewals trickle out from other streamers and movie releases begin to shuffle. That and

The Blurred Nerds Podcast 263

On this episode: We’re back from our technical difficulties! Let’s dive in to the mess brewing over at Warner Brothers and the kerfuffle they’ve created with their DC properties and HBO Max in general. In the second half of the show, we discuss the plethora of damn near perfect genre

The Blurred Nerds Podcast 251

On this episode of the Blurred Nerds: In the first half of the show: What’s that? Adulting as a geek can take many f Hulu announced that is bringing back Futurama, but for right now – it will be without John DiMaggio as Bender. We discuss some of the current

Rants and Raves Episode 2 - Only Murders In The Building

Rants and Raves Episode 2 – Only Murders In The Building

Join Mike & Michael in a brand new spin-off of Earth Station One, exclusive to the Patrons of the ESO Network. In the second episode of Rants & Raves, we talk about the Hulu original series Only Murders In The Building, featuring the talents of Steve Martin, Martin Short, and

Episode 100

The 42cast Episode 100 Special: Voices in the Wilderness

This episode we continue our celebration of 100 episodes of The 42cast. We recorded far too much material for our 100th episode that we just couldn’t fit it all in. In this episode as a bonus to you, you get the conversations that we couldn’t include! In this episode, Nathan


The 42cast Episode 61: Trial Run

As Runaways season 3 rushes at us, we’re taking a look back to our discussion of season 2. Runaways was a surprise property for Marvel TV, taking a relatively new comic and placing it on Hulu during a time when Marvel was mostly putting TV content on Netflix. The first

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