Clockwork Quarter Hour

Ratchet RetroCast Episode 28 – Elementary My Dear Ratchet!

The Ratchet Retrocast goes to 221B Con to solve the case of just how much Sherlock Holmes has influenced pop culture! Listen as they recall their first Sherlock Holmes adaptation and their favorites along with a live audience. Meanwhile, the crew goes down to Fraggle Rock (clap clap!) in the

The Ratchet RetroCast Episode 27 – The Neverending Podcast

Ladies and Gentlemen, be prepared for the biggest case of false advertising thanks to the title of this episode. Delve into the worlds of Epic and High Fantasy that dominated the late 70’s, through the early 80’s. We are joined this time by the lovely Kellen Harkins, track director for

Ratchet RetroCast Episode 25 – Lets Build a LegoCast!

In this episode, the Retrocast discovers that they can build it too when they talk about Legos! Joined once again by Ashley and for the first time by Tillman, Q and Ratchet talk about everyone’s favorite building toy and the movie based on them. (Yes, there are spoilers for The

Ratchet RetroCast Episode 24 – The Prohibition DrunkCast LIVE at AnachroCon!

*WARNING* Some Explicit Content in this Episode!!! We are back at you live once again at Anachrocon 2014! This time we discuss the history of Prohibition and the classic cocktails from the 20’s! The lucky live audience got to partake in this panel by helping us “taste” and judge Q’s

Ratchet RetroCast Episode 23 – Super Dimensional Leap Into Robotech

In this highly anticipated, controversial, emotional rollercoaster of an episode, we finally tackle one of histories greatest animes from the 80’s: ROBOTECH! Tune in to hear the greatest moments of Ratchet and Strangeway’s childhood relived and then torn asunder by the warmongering Q and his hate for all things lovable.

Ratchet RetroCast Episode 22 – There Can Be Only One (Podcast)!

The sensation you’re feeling, is the Quickening! Or the sweet sultry voice of Sean Connery? Join us this time as we delve into the mystical land of Egypt aside the Scottish Moors and talk about an 80’s cult classic: The Highlander! Joining us this week we have guest-host Dan Carroll

The Ratchet Retrocast Episode 20 – It’s a Wonderful RetroCast

Deck the halls and HO HO HO! Welcome to the RetroCast Christmas special deluxe where we cover our top 10 must watch Christmas movies and tv specials that are a required viewing to make it feel like corporate America hasn’t engineered this holiday just to drive everyone into poverty out

The Ratchet RetroCast Episode 19 – Once Upon a RetroCast

We’ve got a special treat for you this week, we bring you a quasi-live show recorded shortly before the Grimm Gear Gala was held. Featuring special guests Fable Cry, we talk about Fables, Storybook Tales, and the pop culture impact they’ve had. In addition, we’re reminded of CD’s violent tendencies,

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