The Flopcast

The FlopcastLive from Chickentown, Kevin and Kornflake sip nasty black coffee and talk about silly & geeky things. Frequent subjects include: Saturday morning cartoons, Dr. Demento-style funny music, TV and movies of the 1970s and 1980s, comic books, classic video games, and, uh, chickens. (We like chickens.) There’s also lots of convention talk, as we regularly attend DragonCon, MarsCon, and other nerdy gatherings. We’re frightened and confused. Join us! Check out our!

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42 Cast
The Best Saturdays of Our Lives
Blurred Nerds
But First, Let's Talk Nerdy
Cigar Nerds
The Con Guy
Cosmic Pizza
Dragon Con Report
Drinking with Authors

Most Recent Episodes

Earth Station DCU
Earth Station One
Earth Station Trek
Earth Station Who
Epsilon Three
Metal Geeks
Modern Musicology
Monkeeing Around
Monster Attack
The Monster Scifi Show
Soul Forge
Thunder Talk
The Watch-a-thon of Rassilon