Book Three of the Vim Hood Chronicles
By Terry Mark
Available from Amazon
278 pgs
With this book, writer Terry Mark wraps up his alternate world mega-saga he began several years ago with his first novel, “Kill the Night.” Having brought events to World War II, famous personalities ala Amelia Earhart, Nikola Tesla, Glen Miller and sailor Paul Newman mysterious find themselves on a lost island in the North Atlantic where exist the super powerful Vim material. Adolph Hitler and the Nazis want it so as to assure their victory ultimate domination over all mankind.
In this second half of that struggle, Mark has the German using amazing technical weapons to battle giant robots and monstrous mythological beasts all part of the wondrous island that well may be the long lost Atlantis. Each chapter propels the cast forward in incredible adventures all culminating in a truly epic campaign between the forces of good versus those of pure, merciless evil.
If you enjoy wild, unbridle adventure, look no further. Terry Mark’s writing is sensational and damn impossible to categorize. He simply writes poignant and sometimes nightmarish scenarios that will thrill the most jaded sci-fi, fantasy readers. Don’t miss this one and when you’ve finished it, tell your friends about it. We just did.