This week,’s Rebecca Perry joins Mike, Mike, and the award-winning author Bobby Nash as they return to Middle-Earth to review the middle chapter of Peter Jackson’s Hobbit trilogy. Almost as tough as facing a fire-breathing dragon, Radio Cult founders Ricky and Bambi try to rock themselves out of The Geek Seat! And speaking of dragons, Director Faber makes an awesome announcement! All this, plus Rants, Raves, and Shout Outs!
Join us for yet another episode of The Earth Station One Podcast we like to call: ESO Reviews The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
Table of Contents
0:00:00 Intro / Welcome
0:08:09 Rants & Raves
0:39:44 Interview & Geek Seat w/ Radio Cult
1:05:04 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
1:58:15 2 Minutes w/ Dr Geek
1:59:39 ESO Shout Outs & Show Close
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