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The Monster Scifi Show Podcast – Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice

Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice review has arrived. Many apologies as work and illness had prevented me from completely this episode. There will be spoilers in this show but there has been enough time for many fans to have watched this movie. Still, ye have been warned.

Flopcast 207: Spring Super Megafest 2016 – Magnum and the Bandit

Flopcast episode 207! Can Kornflake see all the costumes, collectibles, and celebrity guests at Super Megafest in just ninety minutes, and not be late for karaoke? Let’s find out. We did indeed find plenty of crazy characters there, including our friends from Rubber Chicken Comics and Wicked Geeky, costumer R.

‘George Washing’s Secret Six’ Book Review by Ron Fortier

GEORGE WASHINGTON’S SECRET SIX By Brian Kilmeade & Don Yaeger Sentinel Books 232 pages If like us, you are a devoted student of history, the title alone will have you wanting to know what this book is all about. What it reveals, in carefully research documents, is that during the

Director’s Log Episode 2 – Window of Opportunity

Doctor Geek just discovered the existence of the MacGuffinite crystals when the time-loop started all over again. This time to make matters worse he has to explain all this to Claire before the loop starts all over again and again and again

The ESO Pro Wrestling Roundtable Ep 25 – What Is My Charisma?

John “Gorgan” Neal and Richard “The Jewel” Ewell are joined by “Cosmopolitan” Jonathon Williams to discuss the ellusive intangiable quality of charisma and how it may just be the most important facet on the makeup of a top guy in professional wrestling entertainment. We also share our thoughts and memories

The Earth Station One Podcast Episode 314 – The World of Steampunk

What is Steampunk? Mike and Mike enlist genre enthusiasts Doctor Q, John Strangeway, and Amanda Campbell who take the crew to school on the origins of the literature, the visual style, and the still ever-growing community. Plus, Shannon Rhea gets us all excited for the Marble City Comicon and artist

Flopcast 206: Bill Collectors

Flopcast episode 206! We received a long list of suggestions for this week’s Top 4 ½ List… and we picked the very dumbest one. So please enjoy our list of guys named Bill. (Yes, despite “Bill” being such an exotic name, we were able to think of a few.) Our

Earth Station Who Ep 128

Earth Station Who Episode 128 – The King’s Demons

Another story reviewed because you demanded it! Mike, Mike, Jen, and Mary travel with the Fifth Doctor to foil a plot to stop King John from signing the Magna Carta. Amidst the pre-Renaissance pandemonium, a new Kompanion is introduced.

Cigar Nerds Podcast Episode 42: Ace in The Hole

Cigar Nerds Podcast Episode 42: Ace in The Hole. This week we gamble with our lives by eating truck stop food on our way to Ohio for the 2016 International Steampunk Symposium. While we were there, we recorded a live show about the culture of Poker and our favorite poker

The Earth Station One Podcast Episode 313 – Heavy Metal The Movie

35 years ago, a shadow fell over the universe and evil grew in its path. Death came from the skies and featured one of the best soundtracks ever put to film. Mike, Mike, Shiksa, and Sean R. Reid grab a bag of Plutonian Nyborg and testify on the merits of

Cigar Nerds Podcast: Cigars 101

This week we’re dropping a bonus podcast. Last weekend made an appearance at the International Steampunk Symposium, where we presented a panel on introduction to cigars for new cigar enthusiast. Everything a newbie needs to know about that smoke life. So for everyone that couldn’t make trip to Ohio here

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