Box Office Buzz

Frightful philosophy: Rethinking my assumptions about the horror genre

For many years, there were two film genres I didn’t want anything to do with: Westerns and horror. I was convinced these two genres had nothing to offer me personally as a film fan, and when someone would recommend a Western or a horror film to me, I’d try to

Better Late Than Never Goes West – Once Upon a Time in the West

ESO Network Patreon Exclusive! Box Office Buzz blogger Ashley Pauls continues her mission to finally view some films on her “Movie Bucket List.”  This time, she’s focused on Westerns. Mike Gordon joins Ashley as she concludes this series (for now) with the Sergio Leone epic, Once Upon a Time in

Better Late Than Never Goes West – Godless

ESO Network Patreon Exclusive! Box Office Buzz blogger Ashley Pauls continues her mission to finally view some films on her “Movie Bucket List.”  This time, she’s focused on Westerns. Mike Gordon and Jay Sherer from The Story Geeks Podcast join Ashley as she reviews the Netflix series, Godless. Become a

Better Late Than Never Goes West – Hell or High Water

ESO Network Patreon Exclusive! Box Office Buzz blogger Ashley Pauls continues her mission to finally view some films on her “Movie Bucket List.”  This time, she’s focused on Westerns. Mike Gordon joins Ashley as she reviews Hell or High Water (2016). Become a supporter of the ESO Network and listen

Better Late Than Never Goes West – Young Guns

ESO Network Patreon Exclusive! Box Office Buzz blogger Ashley Pauls continues her mission to finally view some films on her “Movie Bucket List.”  This time, she’s focused on Westerns. Mike Gordon joins Ashley as she reviews Young Guns (1988). Become a supporter of the ESO Network and listen to the

Better Late Than Never Goes West – The Quick and the Dead

ESO Network Patreon Exclusive! Box Office Buzz blogger Ashley Pauls continues her mission to finally view some films on her “Movie Bucket List.”  This time, she’s focused on Westerns. Mike Gordon and Alex Autrey join Ashley as she reviews The Quick and the Dead by director Sam Raimi. Become a

Better Late Than Never Goes West – Tombstone

ESO Network Patreon Exclusive! Box Office Buzz blogger Ashley Pauls continues her mission to finally view some films on her “Movie Bucket List.”  This time, she’s focused on Westerns. Mike Gordon joins Ashley as she reviews both versions of True Grit. Become a supporter of the ESO Network and listen

Better Late Than Never Goes West – Tombstone

ESO Network Patreon Exclusive! Box Office Buzz blogger Ashley Pauls continues her mission to finally view some films on her “Movie Bucket List.”  This time, she’s focused on Westerns. Mike Gordon joins Ashley as she begins her journey west with “Tombstone.” Become a supporter of the ESO Network and listen

Endgame: What’s ahead for the Avengers and the Marvel Cinematic Universe

A journey that started a decade ago will come to an end next April, with the follow-up to the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s “Infinity War.” We now know the sequel will be titled “Endgame,” though what sort of ending the film will have is still anybody’s guess. How many of the

Better Late Than Never – The Big Lebowski

ESO Network Patreon Exclusive! Box Office Buzz blogger Ashley Pauls continues her mission to tackle films on her “Movie Bucket List.” Earth Station One co-host Mike Gordon and Ashley review the Coen Brothers cult classic, The Big Lebowski. This is the fourth and final scheduled entry in this series. We

Better Late Than Never – The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

ESO Network Patreon Exclusive! Box Office Buzz blogger Ashley Pauls continues her mission to tackle films on her “Movie Bucket List.” This week, Earth Station One co-host Mike Gordon and Ashley discuss the 1966 Spaghetti Western epic directed by Sergio Leone.  

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