Video Game

Here We Grow Again… Welcome ‘Respawn Radio’

“You’re listening to the whisky hour with the Respawn Gaming crew…” From ice cubes clinking in whisky glasses to actual talk about video games, Respawn is a Project iRadio show that can’t wait to be in your living room. Want to find out about the newest games and systems on

Rumor of the day: We’re gonna be getting more Stargate

By Trent Moore, Source: When Stargate Universe was cancelled a few seasons ago, it marked the end of a beloved franchise that had been on the air in some form or another for well over a decade. Now rumor has it Stargate may not be as dead as we

‘Halo 4’ release date confirmed by Microsoft

By Mark Langshaw, Source: Digital Spy Halo 4 will be released for Xbox 360 consoles worldwide on November 6, Microsoft has confirmed. The sequel, set four years after the events of Halo 3, marks the return of iconic hero Master Chief and the beginning of a brand new saga.

Look who’s getting involved in that Mass Effect 3 controversy now

By Matthew Jackson, Source: Fan campaigns are nothing new, but the fan campaign demanding that game developer BioWare produce a new ending to its blockbuster Mass Effect 3 is unusual for a couple of reasons. For one, it’s got an extraordinary number of followers, and for another, the complaints

Valve: we might consider building hardware in the future

By Raymond Wong, Source: Dvice; If you don’t know Valve, you don’t know gaming. Gabe Newell, CEO of the company responsible for hits like Half-Life 2 and Portal as well as the awesome Steam platform says that building its own hardware is something the company might consider. Is that disruption

Lara Croft: “Tomb Raider” — From Then ‘Til Now

by Robert Workman, Source: When home video game popularity exploded in the late ’80s, men were the main heroes with a gun in their hand and a wink in their eye — but it was only a matter of time before women made their presence felt in games. Starting

It’s your turn to be a Time Lord in villain-packed Who videogame

By Jeff Spry, Source: Check out the first manic glimpse of the good Doctor and River Song dodging the Silence, Cybermen, Silurians and Daleks in this time-twisting teaser for Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock. Developed as a totally new Who adventure, the Guildford-based designers at Supermassive Games worked directly

Rejoice, Browncoats! Abandoned Firefly videogame ain’t dead yet

By Marc Bernardin, Source: Once upon a time, a game developer thought it’d be a grand idea to make a massively multiplayer online game set in Joss Whedon’s Firefly/Serenity universe that would allow fans to roam the Black, running from the Alliance any way they knew how. Then that

‘Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock’ game confirmed by BBC

By Andrew Laughlin, Source: Digital Spy; BBC Worldwide has today released the first details about Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock, the first in a series of new console games featuring the Timelord. Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock is being developed by Supermassive Games for digital download platforms and is set

Lego Batman” Sequel to Involve the DC Universe

by Robert Workman, Source: CBR When “Lego Batman” arrived onto consoles in 2008, the game introduced both kids and comic book fans to a terrific take on the Dark Knight’s legacy, one that replaced the seriousness with joyful co-op action and the opportunity to play as both heroes (Batman, Robin)

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