Content catch-up: What I’ve been watching recently – Part 3

December felt like a VERY busy month for new content, and before I release my end of year wrap up, I wanted to get caught up on reviewing a few more of the films and TV shows I saw in 2023. Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom This movie was…OK. It

Content catch-up: What I’ve been watching recently – Part 2

Wonka Initially, I wasn’t really interested in a Willy Wonka prequel. But when I heard that the same creative team behind the Paddington movies was involved, I was immediately on board. Wonka is a thoroughly charming, musical family film that’s the perfect sort of cozy, feel-good movie to watch during

Earth Station One Ep 721 - Good Omens Season 2 The Review

Good Omens Season 2 The Review

Now that the end is no longer nigh, how much trouble can the odd couple of Heaven and Hell get into? Mike, Mike, Mary Ogle, and Drew Meyer dare to rush in where angels and demons fear to tread. All this, along with Angela’s A Geek Girl’s Take, Box Office

The Blurred Nerds Podcast 265

On this episode: First up, it’s time for Lil’ Bit’s annual Dragon Con recap. What was new this year for her and has her age finally caught up to her body? Can a Mai Tai be too good? In the second half of the show, we discuss some of the

The Blurred Nerds Podcast 264

On this episode: The drama both behind the scenes and in front of the world continues to drag on over at DC/WB/HBOMax with no end in sight for the moment. Peacock makes some moves, cancellations and renewals trickle out from other streamers and movie releases begin to shuffle. That and

The Blurred Nerds Podcast 263

On this episode: We’re back from our technical difficulties! Let’s dive in to the mess brewing over at Warner Brothers and the kerfuffle they’ve created with their DC properties and HBO Max in general. In the second half of the show, we discuss the plethora of damn near perfect genre

The Blurred Nerds Podcast 262

On this episode: This week The Geekfather is joined by longtime friend of the show, Courtney “Deadlift” Goodrum. As a lifelong wrestling fan, Deadlift is the perfect person to discuss the recent news surrounding Vince McMahon in the first half of the show. After the break, Marvel once again brought

The Blurred Nerds Podcast 261

On this episode: Spoilers in the first half of the show as we discuss Thor Love & Thunder. In the second half of the show: Let’s catch up on TV! Strange New Worlds continues to woo us and the summer season finales hit. Proud member of the ESO Network – –

The Blurred Nerds Podcast 260

On this episode: Up first, we discuss the Obi-Wan Kinobi finale and thoughts of the series as a whole story.  Where do we want to see the Star Wars Universe go next? In the second half of the show: Suddenly we’re in a world of TV riches with a plethora

Short Attention Span Theatre – Soul Forge 254

Short attention span theatre is here! Captain Distraction strikes again. And appears when you least expect it. Short attention span theatre is a real thing, but also a fun name for this episode. It is our theory that attention spans are getting shorter and shorter. Shawn believes attention spans have

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