The Earth Station Who Podcast

Earth Station Who Podcast Ep 193

Earth Station Who Episode 193 – A 12th Doctor Retrospective

Live from Dragon Con 2018 it’s The Earth Station Who podcast crew hosting a retrospective of the Twelfth Doctor from the introduction of the Angry Eyebrows to his struggle to be a Good Man to ending where he began. Join us for all the fun, Sonic sunglasses are optional. We

The Earth Station Who Ep 182

The Earth Station Who Podcast Episode 182 – Death To The Daleks

The bubbling lumps of hate are back! Mike, Mike, and Mary are joined by David and Thomas Herman to visit one of the “700 Wonders of the Universe,” referring of course to Sarah Jane Smith. We want to hear from you! Please write us at Also, please subscribe and

Earth Station Who Episode 174

The Earth Station Who Podcast Episode 174 – Father’s Day

Hey, Daddy-O! Mike, Mike, and Dr. Scott Viguie go back to the first series of “New Who” and discover that it’s not so new. Come on baby Rose, don’t fear the Reapers. We want to hear from you! Please write us at Also, please subscribe and rate the show

The Earth Station Who Podcast Ep 148

The Earth Station Who Podcast Episode 148 – The Stones of Blood

Mike, Mike, Jen, and Mary travel to Boscombe Moor in sensible shoes to locate the third fragment of the Key to Time and, like the Megara, play judge and jury to this Fourth Doctor adventure. Plus, we honor the War Doctor Sir John Hurt and discuss the upcoming departure of

Earth Station Who Podcast Episode 147 – The Ribos Operation

Bones of our fathers, bones of our kings! Mike, Mike, and Mary enter the catacombs in hopes of finding the first segment of the Key to Time. In addition, they discover a new companion for the Fourth Doctor, the pretty and prim Romanadvoratrelundar, aka Fred.

Earth Station Who Ep 146

The Earth Station Who Podcast Ep 146 – The Return of Doctor Mysterio

It was a dark time in the Big Apple. Aliens bent on colonization with only a single caped crusader to stop them. But wait, what’s this? The long awaited return of the dynamic Doctor! Mike, Mike, Jen, and Mary unwrap the twelfth annual Christmas special. And they brought snacks. The

The Earth Station Who Podcast Episode 144 – School Reunion

Since we currently don’t have any Class in the U.S., the ESW crew go back to school with a Tenth Doctor story featuring the welcome return of a beloved companion from the classic era. Things get a bit awkward when Jen and Mary discover they were not the first cohosts

The Curse of Fernic

Earth Station Who Episode 133 – The Curse of Fenric

Mike, Mike, Jen, and Mary are joined by Jerry Chandler as they visit Maiden’s Point to go fishing for Haemovores and bemoan the Ancient One that got away. Included in this episode is our interview with Andrew Cartmel at Con Kasterborous 2016 with some behind-the-scenes info on the making of

Earth Station Who Ep 129

The Earth Station Who Podcast Episode 129 – The Hand of Fear

The ESW crew welcomes a new companion to Doctor Who and says goodbye to one of the most well loved ones. Mike, Mike, Jennifer, Mary, and guest Kirby Bartlett-Sloan discuss the news of Pearl Mackie joining the new series as “Bill.” We also take a look at Kirby’s first first

Earth Station Who Ep 124

Earth Station Who Podcast Episode 124 – The Mind of Evil

Mike, Mary, and Alan Siler return from their West Coast adventure to report on the 2016 Gallifrey One gathering. Mike and Jen join the rest of the crew to discuss a different adventure in which the Third Doctor faces his greatest fears.

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