strange new worlds

200 – Earth Station Trek – Episode 200

On tonight’s show we celebrate a big milestone — our 200th EPISODE!! First, we’ll talk about some of the changes that have happened in the world of Star Trek over the course of the past 200 weeks, then we’ll get into how doing this podcast has affected our opinions of

Canon, Time Travel, and the Multiverse – Earth Station Trek – Episode 198

This week the EARTH STATION CREW tackles the big questions! What is canon? Does continuity even matter in a multiverse where time travel is possible? How big does a discrepancy need to be before it is considered a different universe? We’ll tackle all of that and more! Earth Station Trek is

Dragon Con Debriefing – Earth Station Trek – Episode 183

Officers, report to the ready room! The Senior Officers have returned from their away mission to Dragon Con, the coolest geek event in this or any other world! We will report on how the event overall went, some of the panels and special programs that we were involved in, the

Trekisodes Inspired by Films – Earth Station Trek – Episode 181

Star Trek has a long history of drawing inspiration from novels, other television shows, and especially movies! This week we’re going to be delving into some of the Trekisodes (yes, that’s a word now, I just coined it) that were inspired by films of all genres — sci-fi, horror, mysteries,

Dragon Con Trek Track – Earth Station Trek – Episode 180

This week the EARTH STATION TREK crew gets a preview of this year’s Trek Track at Dragon Con as we’re joined by our good friends Leo and Nick! We’ll be talking about the MANY Trek guests that will be at the show, the special events that are planned, and some

Dragon Con Subspace Rhapsody Picture Show – Earth Station Trek – Episode 178

This week the EARTH STATION TREK CREW has a conversation with the director and cast members of The Subspace Rhapsody Picture Show which will debut at Dragon Con 2024! We are joined by director, Sarah Rose, and cast members, Panda (Uhura) and our own Veronica Dashiell (Pelia), to discuss bringing

Comic-Con 2024 News! – Earth Station Trek – BONUS

We just wrapped up San Diego Comic-Con 2024 where a LOT of Star Trek news and trailers were released! We’re doing a special bonus show tonight where we will dig into everything that came out of SDCC over the weekend! Earth Station Trek is a part of the ESO Podcast Network,

Earth Station Trek – Best Trek 2023 – Episode 147

This week the EARTH STATION TREK crew takes a look back at all the Trek episodes broadcast in 2023. We each do a countdown of our Top 5 episodes, and then we reveal the overall collective scores to reveal the 100% Official EST Top 10 of 2023! There may be

Earth Station One Ep 723 - Star Trek: Strange New World Season 2

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2 Review

Earth Station One once again is invaded by the crew of Earth Station Trek to sing and dance about the second season of Strange New Worlds. Mike, Mike, Alan, and Keith discuss the highs, lows, and if it is possible to have too much James T. Kirk. All this, along

Earth Station Trek – Hegemony – Episode 129

Join the EARTH STATION TREK crew as face the “Hegemony” in explosive the season finale of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds! We also discuss the latest news from Star Trek: Prodigy! #saveprodigy #savestartrekprodigy #startrekprodigy Earth Station Trek is a part of the ESO Podcast Network, Executive Producer Mike Faber.

Earth Station Trek – Subspace Rhapsody – Episode 128

Join the EARTH STATION TREK chorus as we sing about this week’s new episode of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, “Subspace Rhapsody”! Earth Station Trek is a part of the ESO Podcast Network, Executive Producer Mike Faber.

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