Shawn Vanderloo

Cosmic Pizza Podcast Episode 91: Kacey’s Dissertation Journey

This week Kacey tells us all about her University journey over the last couple of years leading up to her Dissertation on Coercive Behaviour. If you have been affected by any of the issues in this podcast please email us on either or where your correspondence will be

Cosmic Pizza Podcast Episode 89 – DIY SOS

Cosmic Pizza Podcast brings you Episode 89: DIY SOS. Today the boys talk about something close to their hearts. No, not their wives or families, something they love even more. DIY. They disscus their DIY successes and their DIY failures and come up with a few tips to try out

The Epsilon Three Episode 139 – Final Review – Lies, Damn Lies & Statistics

The Epsilon Three bring you their review of the Babylon 5: Crusade Episode: Final Review – Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics The boys have one last look back at their three year journey through JMS’ mind and reflect on their best and worst episodes, their favourite main characters, and favourite

Cosmic Pizza Podcast Episode 88 – Have Towel, Won’t Panic

Cosmic Pizza Podcast brings you Episode 87: TV shows we are watching now.. This week the gang talk about places they have been to, places they would like to return to and places they will never go back to. Holiday destinations, places they have lived, places they have worked, places

The Epsilon Three Episode 137 – Sleeping in Light

The Epsilon Three bring you their review of the Babylon 5: Crusade Episode: Se5 Ep22 Sleeping in Light Twenty years after the end of the Shadow War, Sheridan is approaching the end of his life and decides to gather together all his old friends one last time. What are your

Cosmic Pizza Podcast Episode 87 – TV Shows we are Watching Now

Cosmic Pizza Podcast brings you Episode 87: TV shows we are watching now.. The week the boys discuss the TV shows they have watched recently, are currently watching, and are planning to watch. How many of these shows have you watched? Are there any programmes you would recommend based on

The Epsilon Three Episode 133 – War Zone

The Epsilon Three bring you their review of the Babylon 5: Crusade Episode: War Zone . After the Drakh infect Earth with a plague, Captain Gideon is called to Earth and given a new assignment. Using the brand-new Interstellar Alliance deep range vessel Excalibur, he and his crew must search for

The Epsilon Three Episode 132 – The Rules of the Game

The Epsilon Three bring you their review of the Babylon 5: Crusade Episode: The Rules of the Game Gideon comes to Babylon 5 to try to negotiate a deal with the residents of Lorka 7, a world that may hold medical secrets useful in trying to cure the Drakh plague.

The Epsilon Three Episode 131 – Ruling From the Tomb

The Epsilon Three bring you their review of the Babylon 5: Crusade Episode: Ruling From the Tomb . On a visit to Mars, the crew encounter the “Sacred Omega” doomsday cult. The cult plants a bomb at an anti-plague action conference in the belief that judgement day is soon. What

The Epsilon Three Episode 129 – Patterns of the Soul

The Epsilon Three bring you their review of the Babylon 5: Crusade Episode: Patterns of the Soul . The crew travel to a world named Theta 49 to investigate the possibility that the Drakh plague may have spread beyond Earth. What are your thoughts on this episode? Let us know via

The Epsilon Three Episode 128 – Each Night I Dream of Home

The Epsilon Three bring you their review of the Babylon 5: Crusade Episode: Each Night I Dream of Home. A Warlock-class destroyer drops off two passengers onto Excalibur with instructions to take them to Earth. On the way, the crew take a risk by stopping to rescue a Starfury and

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