
Scientists figure out how we can (really!) climb like Spider-Man

By Trent Moore, Souce: We’ve all probably had the thought at some point in our lives, whether watching the movies or reading an old comic: I want to climb a building, Spider-Man style. Just grab ahold of the brick and shoot right up a 90-degree angle. Well, thanks to

Lost Charles Darwin fossils discovered in a drawer after 165 years

By Carol Pinchefsky, Source: You find all sorts of strange things in drawers. Broken pencils. Bits of string. Charles Darwin’s slides. An even more broken pencil sharpener. Wait … what was that third thing? That was likely the thought process of Dr. Howard Falcon-Lang, a palaeontologist at Royal Holloway,

Watch spectacular NASA footage of a comet striking the sun

Ever wondered what happens when a cosmic snowball strikes the sun at 300 miles per second? Well, your curiosity is about to be rewarded … Witness the awesome display captured by NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) that seems to be some errant alien missile targeting the sun. This class

8 real-life plans to clean up the environment that sound like sci-fi

People forget that when you put the leading research scientists together to work on a solution, you’re often putting together a bunch of science fiction nerds. Which is why, sometimes, environmental cleanup plans go past the realm of “normal,” into a realm we call “super awesome.” To celebrate Green Week,

NASA’s spacecraft for possible Mars mission unveiled

The crew of the space shuttle Atlantis is now prepping for its final flight on June 28, the last ever in the space shuttle program. After this, the United States is earthbound, with no alternative way to reach its segment of the International Space Station (ISS), not to mention other

That flying car sci-fi always promised us? It’s almost here

We’ve been complaining for years that we don’t yet have those flying cars science fiction has always promised us. (Which makes us look awfully petty, considering all the other stuff SF never promised at all that we DID end up getting.) But a car/plane hybrid its inventor calls a “roadable

Previously unknown planet may be hiding in our solar system

It turns out there might be a previously undiscovered gas giant planet in our solar system. It’s four times larger than Jupiter, with colorful spots and bands. It has its own moons. Its name is Tyche. And we haven’t noticed it until now because it’s in the hypothetical Oort Cloud,

We’re heading back to the moon in 2012 (well, a robot is, anyway)

A private company aims to send a robotic lander and rover to the lunar surface as soon as December of next year on a Falcon 9 rocket. Astrobotic Technology Inc., a spinoff of Carnegie Mellon University, announced its contract with SpaceX Sunday. The Falcon 9’s upper stage will slingshot Astrobotic’s

NASA satellite TRIPLES number of known planets in the universe

NASA’s awesomely named deep-space observatory, the Kepler Planet Hunter, has been designed to scour space for planets less massive than Earth. The latest data, released on February 2, is an astronomer’s dream come true: the Planet Hunter has tagged 1,235 objects as possible planets. That’s three times as many planets

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