Robert Young

Earth Station One Podcast Ep 622

The Earth Station One Podcast – Artist Spotlight on Fred Hembeck

Earth Station One is proud to shine a spotlight on a cartoonist who has been giving us the giggles with his goofs and gags for over four decades, Fred Hembeck. Mike and Mike chat with the artist himself about his days as Little Freddy, being in the funny pages of

Earth Station One Ep 571 - Godzilla vs Kong

The Earth Station One Podcast – Godzilla vs Kong Movie Review

An ancient rivalry is renewed as two Titans clash. Mike, Mike, Alex, and the award-winning artist Mark Maddox report from ringside on the epic battle of Alphas. Plus, our Creative Outlet features writer Justin Gray with his new wild west, horror, monster hunting, kung fu project, Billy the Kit. All

The Earth Station One Podcast Ep 525

The Earth Station One Podcast – Grosse Pointe Blank Movie Review

If assassin Martin Q. Blank shows up at your door, chances are you did something to bring him there. If he shows up at your high school reunion, chances are he just wants a little Shakabuku. Mike, Mike, Alex, and Ashley take a look at the 1997 dark comedy featuring

Earth Station One Ep 522

The Earth Station One Podcast – Favorite Live Performances

Ladies and gentlemen! You wanted the best? Well, they couldn’t make it, so Mike, Mike, Michelle, Bambi, and Ricky discuss the highs and lows of being on stage along with naming the best live concerts they’ve ever seen. Plus, Kevin Eldridge and Robert Young open the show with some random

Earth Station One Ep 517

The Earth Station One Podcast – The Movies of 1980

Forty years ago, “Funkytown” was playing in boomboxes everywhere and many (now) classic films arrived in theaters. Mike, Mike, Alex Autrey, and Kevin Eldridge highlight their favorites from Airplane! to Xanadu. Plus, Robert Young takes about rescheduling the SC Comicon. All this, along with Angela’s A Geek Girl’s Take, Ashley’s

The Earth Station One Podcast Ep 411 - MASH

The Earth Station One Podcast Episode 411 – M*A*S*H*

Attention all personnel – we interrupt our normal geek talk to discuss one of the most highly regarded tv series of all time. Mike, Mike, Dr. Scott Viguie, and the award-winning writer Bobby Nash sit in the Swamp and recount their favorite moments from the 4077th. Plus, Taffeta Darling dares

Earth Station One Ep 391

Earth Station One Podcast Episode 391 – The ESO Book Club: Dracula

The countdown the Halloween 2017 has begun! Mike, Mike, Kirby, Anthony Taylor, and Rebecca Perry discuss Bram Stoker’s classic tale that introduced one of the greatest icons of horror. Plus, writer Dacre Stoker shapeshifts his way into the Geek Seat and we talk with Borderlands’ Robert Young about all the

Earth Station One Podcast Episode 308 – The Work of Carmine Infantino

The secret origin of the current success of DC’s tv properties is that they are all very much inspired by the Silver Age of comics and one of the most influential artists of that time is the great Carmine Infantino. Mike, Mike, Kevin Eldridge, and award-winning author Bobby Nash showcase

The Earth Station One Podcast Episode 303 – The Monkees

Here we come, walking down the street, getting the funniest looks from everyone we meet (which is why we are an audio podcast). Mike, Mike, Kevin Eldridge, Cary Gordon, and Monkees Magic muse Melanie Mitchell celebrate 50 years of Monkeemania. However, there’s no monkeying around when Melanie finds herself in

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