Patrick Troughton

Earth Station Who Ep 363 - The Krotons Review

Doctor Who: The Krotons Review | Earth Station Who

In this Earth Station Who Podcast episode, we dive into the classic Doctor Who story ‘The Krotons,’ featuring the Second Doctor, played by Patrick Troughton. Join the crew as Mike Gordon rejoins us as we review this fan-favorite serial from the 1968-1969 season, exploring its unique storyline, memorable moments, and

Frankenstein & The Monster From Hell | Episode 395

Jim discusses the last “Frankenstein” film produced by Hammer Films – 1974’s “Frankenstein & The Monster From Hell,” starring Peter Cushing, Shane Briant, Madeline Smith, David Prowse, John Stratton, Michael Ward, and Patrick Troughton. Directed by Terence Fisher, this film would also be Fisher’s last feature film. Find out more

Scars Of Dracula | Episode 363

Jim discusses another classic from Hammer Films, 1970’s “Scars Of Dracula,” starring Christopher Lee, Dennis Waterman, Jenny Hanley, Christopher Matthews, Wendy Hamilton, Michael Gwyn, Patrick Troughton, Michael Ripper and directed by Roy Ward Baker. A young man goes missing. A young couple searching for the man find themselves crossing paths

Earth Station Who Ep 304

Earth Station Who – The Dominators

The Second Doctor, Jamie, and Zoe travel to a planet where the Dominators are disagreeing, the Dulcians are dying, and the Quarks are quivering and quaking. Mike, Mike, Mary, and Veronica Dashiell face potential radioactivity as they decide to fight, submit, or flee from this classic 60’s story. We want

The Watch-A-Thon of Rassilon: Classic Who Special: Dimensions in Time

The Watch-A-Thon of Rassilon: Classic Who Special: Dimensions in Time (It’s Big Ron!)

Joe and Toni discuss Dimensions in Time, all of Classic Doctor Who, and how no one ever tells you the Valeyard sucks in this Classic Who Special. Also, a sneak peek at upcoming episodes! If you’re interested in being a Friend of Rassilon, click here. Download â€¢ YouTube â€¢ RSS â€¢ Patreon â€¢ iTunes â€¢ Stitcher â€¢ Google Play â€¢ ESO Network

The Watch-A-Thon of Rassilon: Episode 130: The Five Doctors

The Watch-A-Thon of Rassilon: Episode 130: The Five Doctors (Must Listen!)

Toni and Joe are joined by Christine Cherry, Adam Clegg, Vincent E.L., and Felicity Kusinitz to discuss Planet Chill, The Three (First) Doctors, and just what the deal is with that robot in the Classic Doctor Who special The Five Doctors. This episode is brought to you by Friend of


The 42cast Episode 60: The Wendy Padbury Interview (Chicago TARDIS 2018)

This week we release out interview with Wendy Padbury from Chicago TARDIS 2018. Wendy played Zoe Heriot in the 5th and 6th seasons of Doctor Who alongside Patrick Troughton as the Doctor and Fraser Hines as Jamie McCrimmon. Since 2007 she has reprized the role of Zoe for Big Finish

The Watch-A-Thon of Rassilon: Episode 65: The Three Doctors

The Watch-A-Thon of Rassilon: Episode 65: The Three Doctors (The Time Lords’ Taco Bell)

Toni and Joe are joined by Chris Cherry​, Vincent E.L., and Ray Friesen to discuss rocks that look like butts and the Classic Doctor Who serial The Three Doctors. This episode is brought to you by Friend of Rassilon Matt Golden. If you’re interested in being a Friend of Rassilon, click here. Download • YouTube •  Subscribe on Feedburner • Subscribe

Earth Station Who Ep 132

Earth Station Who Podcast Episode 132 – Tomb of the Cybermen

With Mike G and Jennifer away from the station, Mike and Mary are left alone to review the classic second Doctor story ‘Tomb of the Cybermen’ voted on by the listeners and our Facebook group. As if that wasn’t enough, in rants and raves we talk all about the surprise

Earth Station Who Episode 95 – The Ice Warriors

Ice Warriors, come out and play! Because you demanded it! Mike, Mike, Jen, and Nathan Laws brave subzero temperatures, ancient Martians, animated reconstructions, and middle managers from the future in this classic Second Doctor story that marked the debut of a new villainous race. Phantom Troublemaker had to miss this

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