murder mystery

Nobody's Angel Book Review By Ron Fortier

‘Nobody’s Angel’ Book Review Ron Fortier

NOBODY’S ANGELBy Jack ClarkHard Case Crime218 pgs Eddie Miles is a world weary Chicago taxi-cab driver. He’s divorced; his ex-wife packed her bag and moved away taking his daughter with her. He has no clue where she went. Whatever dreams Eddie had have long ago evaporated and his life is

THE COMPLETE IVY FROST Book Review By Ron Fortier

‘The Complete Ivy Frost’ Book Review By Ron Fortier

THE COMPLETE IVY FROSTBy Donald WandreiEdited by Stephen HaffnerHaffner Press698 pgs We always attempt to make our reviews personal and not cookie-cutter dissertations that simply say yea or nea. That has never been more vital than with this review of a really unique pulp character which we not only love

Jackie Verona Book Review By Ron Fortier

‘Jackie Verona – A Murder of Gypsies’ Book Review By Ron Fortier

JACKIE VERONA – A Murder of GypsiesBy Kimberly RichardsonPro Se Press88 pgs. The year is 1957 and Jackie Verona is a lovely black art student living in the progressive metropolis of Moon City. She is also very much in love with white musician and teacher, Clovis Willow. When Clovis’ younger

The Pearl Harbor Murders Book Review By Ron Fortier

‘The Pearl Harbor Murders’ Book Review By Ron Fortier

THE PEARL HARBOR MURDERSBy Max Allan CollinsThomas & Mercer213 pgs Collins’ story begins on the 5th of December, 1941 in Honolulu, Hawaii, where famed writer Edgar Rice Burroughs resides with one of his sons, Hulbert “Hully.” Tensions on the island are high, as recent political events indicate the high probability

A Christmas Carol Murder Book Review By Ron Fortier

‘A Christmas Carol Murder’ Book Review By Ron Fortier

A CHRISTMAS CAROL MURDERBy Heather RedmondKensington Publishing303 pgs This is the third book in the unique Charles Dickens mysteries devised by writer Heather Redmond. In the books, which began with “A Tale of Two Murders” and was followed by “Grave Expectations,” the author has a grand time having a young

Grip of Death Book Review By Ron Fortier

‘Grip of Death’ Book Review By Ron Fortier

GRIP OF DEATHBy Len LevinsonRough Edge Press242 pages Set in New York City in the turbulent year after the start of the Civil War, Levinson’s story revolves around a group of Southerners known as the Chivalry who hatch a plot to cripple the North’s economic strength. Their goal was to

Earth Station One Ep 729 - Only Murders In The Building Season 3 Review

Only Murders In The Building Season 3 Review

Grab your hankies and get ready for the ill-fated opening of Death Rattle Dazzle! Mike, Mike, Felicity Kusinitz, and Sarah Rose patter on about the star-studded new season. All this, along with Angela’s A Geek Girl’s Take, Ashley’s Box Office Buzz, Michelle’s Iconic Rock Moment, and Shout Outs. We want

Earth Station One Podcast Ep 726 - A Haunting In Venice Review

A Haunting In Venice Movie Review

The Earth Station One movie crew takes a look at Kenneth Branagh’s third outing as Agatha Christie’s Hercule Poirot. Mike, Mike, Ashley, and Kelley Ceccato attend an Italian Halloween party that’s full of tricks and treats. All this, along with Angela’s A Geek Girl’s Take and Shout Outs. We want

The Earth Station One Podcast – Poker Face Season 1 Review

Keep your earbuds in, because you’re about to hear the podcast of a lifetime, and that’s no BS. Mike, Mike, Phaedra Eason, Brad Detchevery, and the award-winning author Bobby Nash discuss the debut of Charlie Cale, a human lie detector created by Rian Johnson and Natasha Lyonne. All this, along

Earth Station One Podcast Ep 663 - Glass Onion Movie Review

The Earth Station One Podcast – Glass Onion Movie Review

Rian Johnson has released another Benoit Blanc whodunnit and Mike, Mike, Ashley, and Mary Ogle examine the closed circle of suspects and peel back the many layers of this modern mystery. All this, along with Shout Outs. We want to hear from you! Feedback is always welcome. Please write to

Murder at the Rue Dumas Book Review By Ron Fortier

‘MURDER IN THE RUE DUMAS’ Book Review By Ron Fortier

MURDER IN THE RUE DUMASBy M.L. LongworthPenguin Books296 pgs. We confess to not reading all that many new books from other countries and perhaps should do so more often. “Murder in the Rue Dumas” comes to us from France by way of M.L. Longworth. She actually resides in Aix, the

Throwback review: ‘And Then There Were None’ (2015 BBC miniseries)

Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None is arguably the most famous mystery novel of all time, selling over 100 million copies since its initial publication in 1939. It’s been adapted countless times over the years in many formats, including film, radio, and the stage. Miraculously, I’ve somehow managed to

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