Mike Goron

The 2017 Dragon Con Khan Report Ep 9

The 2017 Dragon Con Khan Report Episode 9

We paneled. We cosplayed. We drank pie. Dragon Con 2017 is in the books. Mike, Mike, Darren, Mary, and Eternal Zan have recovered just enough to tell tales of the epic event, as the final Dragon Con Khan Report for 2017 drops down like a chair in the Marriott. We

Earth Station One Podcast Ep 352

The Earth Station One Podcast Episode 352 – The World of Atari

45 years ago, Atari was born and a few years later the home video game market exploded. Mike, Mike, Mark Heffernan, and “8-Bit” Adam Pewitt grab their joystick controllers and play through some of their favorite games. Plus, Misbehavin’ Maiden Saber is captivated by the Geek Seat. All this, along

Earth Station Who Ep 146

The Earth Station Who Podcast Ep 146 – The Return of Doctor Mysterio

It was a dark time in the Big Apple. Aliens bent on colonization with only a single caped crusader to stop them. But wait, what’s this? The long awaited return of the dynamic Doctor! Mike, Mike, Jen, and Mary unwrap the twelfth annual Christmas special. And they brought snacks. The

Earth Station One Podcast Ep 331

The Earth Station One Podcast Episode 331 – Summer Geek Talk

The 2016 summer movie season is nearly over and Mike and Mike decide to take a minute to catch their breath and just before one of ESO’s favorite conventions of the year. Joining them on the back porch of the station for an informal chat is ESO-Pro’s Richard Ewell and

The Earth Station One Podcast Episode 314 – The World of Steampunk

What is Steampunk? Mike and Mike enlist genre enthusiasts Doctor Q, John Strangeway, and Amanda Campbell who take the crew to school on the origins of the literature, the visual style, and the still ever-growing community. Plus, Shannon Rhea gets us all excited for the Marble City Comicon and artist

Earth Station One Episode 261 – The Iron Giant

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s an enormous robot from outer space! Mike, Mike, John McCarthy, and author Allan Kemp avoid G.I. men with IBS and hang out in a beatnik’s junkyard marveling at the directorial debut of Brad Bird. Plus, we squeeze Shannon Rhea for info on the

Earth Station One Episode 248 – 2014 In The Geek Seat!!!

The new year brings with it many new changes and 2015 has provided us with a new Geek Seat! Mike, Mike, and the newest ESO Network members Kevin and Kornflake break in the remorseless recliner by reminiscing over the best and worst that 2014 had to offer. And for added

Earth Station One Episode 243 – The 5th Annual Holiday Geek Gift Guide

Whether you’ve been naughty or nice this year, the ESO crew has the gift for you! Mike, Mike, Kevin Eldridge, and Mary Ogle present some ideas for the geek in your life, or some items to register on your own holiday list. And Kevin finds something worse than coal in

Earth Station Who Episode 82 – Kill The Moon

On this episode, the intrepid ESW crew attempt to solve the age-old riddle of which came first, the moon or the egg? Whatever future humanity has depends on the review Mike, Mike, Jen, Phantom Troublemaker and Raging Bullet’s Sean Whelan recorded this week. And then perhaps we’ll nip out for

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