Marc Platt

Review: Doctor Who the Companion Chronicles – Mother Russia

Blurb: It’s 1812 and the Doctor, Steven and Dodo get ready to spend their winter in a Russian village. The French are on their way, but that’s not the only invasion the travelers will have to deal with. Review: The first season of Big Finish’s Companion Chronicles range of Doctor Who


Review: Doctor Who the Companion Chronicles – Frostfire

Blurb: Vicki has a tale to tell. But where does it start and when does it end? Ancient Carthage. 1164 BC. Lady Cressida has a secret. She keeps it deep in the cisterns below the Temple of Astarte with only one flame for warmth. And it must never get out.

Review: Doctor Who the Companion Chronicles – The Flames of Cadiz

Blurb: The TARDIS materializes in Spain in the late sixteenth century. The country is at war with England – and the travelers find themselves on the wrong side of the battle lines. When Ian and his new friend Esteban are captured by the Inquisition, the Doctor, Susan and Barbara plan

Review: Doctor Who The Early Adventures – The Doctor’s Tale

Blurb: England, 1400. Winter. Blood in the snow. Henry IV has usurped the throne, and deposed King Richard II languishes in Pomfret Castle. Meanwhile the Doctor and his companions preside over New Year revels at Sonning Palace. But Sonning is a prison, treachery is in the air and murderous Archbishop

Review: Doctor Who – Philip Hinchcliffe Presents

Tom Baker is arguably the greatest Doctor of all time. He was the longest running and the show was at the height of its classic series popularity while he was on it. Baker played the role for seven years and it is his first three years when the series was

Review: Doctor Who Bonus Release – Night of the Stormcrow

Blurb: High atop Mount McKerry sits the observatory. For years now it’s been watching the skies. Now something’s watching back. Something dark and huge that blots out the stars. Something with giant wings. Something that kills. When the TARDIS is struck mid-flight, the Doctor and Leela crash-land on the mountain

Review: Doctor Who The Companion Chronicles – Quinnis

Blurb: Before Totter’s Yard, before Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright, before the Chameleon Circuit was broken… the Doctor and Susan traveled alone. The planet Quinnis in the Fourth Universe appears, at first glance, to be an agreeable, exotic refuge for the two travelers. But the world is experiencing a terrible

Review: Doctor Who The Companion Chronicles – The Beginning

Blurb: When the First Doctor and his grand-daughter Susan escape through the cloisters of Gallifrey to an old Type 40 Time Travel capsule, little do they realize the adventures that lie ahead… And little do they know, as the TARDIS dematerializes and they leave their home world behind, there is

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