
Flopcast 651 Davey as Mars

Flopcast 651: Halloween FlopFight Part 2 – Zombie Belly

Flopcast episode 651! It’s the terrifying conclusion of our Halloween FlopFight! Leaping into the tournament this week are characters from Nightmare Before Christmas, Hocus Pocus, Bewitched, Happy Days (what?), and more. Each matchup is drawn randomly, and the exact competitions are randomized too. (So for example, it could be Count Chocula against Jack Skellington, but

You Won't Believe This

You Won’t Believe This – Have Coffee Will Travel Podcast

You won’t believe this! We have joined the ESO Podcast Network. Established in April 2012, the ESO Network is a podcast network of shows that celebrate a love for pop culture, sci-fi, comics, and all things geek. Your co-host Shawn has been a part of ESO since early 2018. The

Flopcast 649 Mad exhibit

Flopcast 649: Mad in the Fall

Flopcast episode 649! As our Halloween festivities continue, we take a quick look at the horror movies parodied in Mad Magazine in the 1980s. Including: The Shining, Poltergeist, Psycho II, a couple of Alien movies, and Gremlins (with Alfred E. Neuman as Gizmo on the cover). Speaking of Mad and Alfred, we just visited the Norman Rockwell

Flopcast 648 Monster Cereals Frightful Friends

Flopcast 648: Your Job Is To Freak Everybody Out

Flopcast episode 648! It’s Halloween season, which means it’s Monster Cereal season! And while we rarely eat the stuff anymore, we do welcome the return of Count Chocula, Franken Berry, Boo Berry, and the new girl, zombie DJ Carmella Creeper. (Sorry, Fruit Brute and Yummy Mummy fans. Those weirdos aren’t

So Long and Thanks For All The Fish

So Long and Thanks For All The Fish: The Final Episode

So Long and Thanks For All The Fish is the final episode of the Soul Forge Podcast. While many of you out there didn’t bother to listen, those of you who did are amazing people. We are full of gratitude. We’re better! We’re healed! We are our best selves. The

Flopcast 647 Catwoman dusting tigers

Flopcast 647: The Super Dictionary – Dust the Tiger

With Dragon Con finally out of the way, we can have some real fun! Let’s read the dictionary! Specifically we’re diving back into The Super Dictionary, a bizarre 1978 book for kids that mixed learning and DC Comics superheroes, and left everyone thoroughly confused. After perusing a few more entries, we

Why we collect

Why We Collect – Soul Forge Podcast 338

Why we collect is often as interesting as what we collect. A collection can offer life-support over time, a means of trading, a basis for community and communication, a stockpile of wealth, and a mechanism of self-identity. The gathering of resources for survival, health, comfort, or economy is a defining

Flopcast 646 Bikini Chicken Ladies

Flopcast 646: Dragon Con Review Part 3 – Screaming Bikini Chicken Ladies

Flopcast episode 646! Let’s wrap up our look back at Dragon Con 2024, before we have to creep back to Atlanta for Dragon Con 2025! The final two days of our favorite nerdfest included: Sci-Fi Court! (The Mayor defended Beastmaster, and Kevin defended Wonder Woman. But not the Wonder Woman you’re thinking of.) A

Flopcast 645 Fozzie and Gonzo Star Wars

Flopcast 645: Dragon Con Review Part 2 – Broil the Scientists

Flopcast episode 645! The Mayor of Chickentown joins Kevin and Kornflake as our look back at Dragon Con 2024 continues! This time we’re covering Friday and Saturday, when the convention was so crowded that we could not have squished one more nerd into Atlanta. Our coverage includes: The Geek Girls

comic books

Comic Books

Comic books and feedback on episode 337 of Soul Forge Podcast. A brief history of comics…the first modern American style comic book, Famous Funnies: A Carnival of Comics, was released in the U.S. in 1933. This was a reprinting of earlier newspaper humor comic strips, which had established many of

Flopcast 644 Marta Bird

Flopcast 644: Dragon Con Review Part 1 – Do Not Drink It

Flopcast episode 644! Here we go with the first of three (yikes, hopefully no more than three) Dragon Con review episodes! This week Kevin and Kornflake go over everything that happened Wednesday and Thursday, as our giant Atlanta nerd festival was just getting started. Including: A meeting of the geeks

Flopcast 643 Last Starfighter

Flopcast 643: So Many Robots Out There

Flopcast episode 643! It’s Dragon Con weekend, but we didn’t forget about a weird Flopcast summer tradition: our annual robot-themed Top 4 ½ List! And we have a special guest to deliver the list: our old pal (and original Sponge Awareness Foundation member) Jim, finally making his Flopcast debut! Jim

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