
Flopcast 594 DragonCon Twilek waitresses

Flopcast 594: Dragon Con Review Part 3 – Gorilla Noises

Flopcast episode 594! Okay, let’s wrap up our coverage of Dragon Con 2023! (Because come on, if this recap goes on much longer, we’ll have to include Dragon Con 2024…) Kevin and the Mayor of Chickentown (reporting from Maine in the middle of a hurricane) are here to run through

Flopcast 593 Superman and bear

Flopcast 593: Dragon Con Review Part 2 – Stay Away From Aquaman

Flopcast episode 593! Our Dragon Con recap continues, and this time we’re just covering Saturday. While everyone else in Atlanta was out on the street for the big Dragon Con parade, Kevin was hiding in the American Sci-Fi Classics Track room for the ESO Network’s celebration of the 50th anniversary

Flopcast 592 Dire Straits video guys

Flopcast 592: Dragon Con Review Part 1 – The Duck Is Fine

Flopcast episode 592! We have apparently survived Dragon Con 2023, and it’s gonna take THREE episodes to review everything that happened at our favorite annual gathering of 70,000 nerds and/or geeks. This week we’re just covering Wednesday through Friday, including: The amazing costumes of Brandon the Shapeshifter, the muscovy ducks

Flopcast 591 Dragon Con costume

Flopcast 591: Dragon Con Schedule Fun – Good Job, Everybody

Flopcast episode 591! It’s Dragon Con week! Alas, Kornflake cannot join us at Dragon Con, but let’s just pretend that she can! Kevin has prepared a hypothetical weekend of silly events for Kornflake, based on the actual Dragon Con schedule. Including: robot battles, coloring books and coffee, burlesque, the old

Flopcast 590 Schmigadoon

Flopcast 590: Everybody’s on Strike – Our Dragon Con Preview

Flopcast episode 590! It’s time for Dragon Con, so round up all your local weirdos and stick them on a bus to Atlanta! Kevin and the Mayor of Chickentown will be there, and we’re sharing our whole schedule with you. Come see the Mayor talk about Rocky Horror, Schmigadoon, and Barbie! (Did

Flopcast 589 Computer chewing gum

Flopcast 589: Nightmare on 1989 Street

Flopcast episode 589! As we frantically prepare for Dragon Con 2023, we’re wrapping up our 10-episode look back at the 1980s with a visit to Dragon Con 1989! We weren’t actually there (probably too busy watching Batman for the nineteenth time), but we did scrape up some information about the third ever

The 2023 Dragon Con Report Episode 7

The 2023 Dragon Con Report Episode 7

Michael, Jennifer, and Channing are joined at the restaurant round table by Mallory Sides to discuss the dining dilemma at Dragon Con. Plus, Kevin Bachelder advocates for Newbies and we review all the latest news and announcements as the con looms large on the horizon. The Dragon Con Report is

The 2023 Dragon Con Report Episode 6

The 2023 Dragon Con Report Episode 6

With less than three months until Dragon Con, Mike, Jen, Channing, and Sue review the latest news and newbie tips. And for our main attraction, we are honored to be joined by Co-Chair Rachel Reeves, who shares some of her lifetime memories about growing up with the Dragon! The Dragon

The 2023 Dragon Con Report Ep 5 - Dragon Con Cosplay

The 2023 Dragon Con Report Episode 5

For decades, Dragon Con has been known for its amazing cosplay. From the simple to the elaborate, this con has them all. Mike, Jen, and Channing chat with costumers Joe Colton and Keenen O Baker about what it takes to produce their designs on a yearly basis. All this, along

The 2023 Dragon Con Report Ep 3

The 2023 Dragon Con Report Episode 4

Close encounters of the celebrity kind! Mike, Jen, and Channing review the latest news and guest announcements. And speaking of guests, Hanako Ricks and John Strangeways are our special guests to chat about Dragon Con guests’ past, present, and future. The Dragon Con Report is a part of the ESO

The 2023 Dragon Con Report Episode 1

The 2023 Dragon Con Report Episode 1

We love Dragon Con, but could we love it even more? Mike, Darren, Jen, and Channing discuss some constructive criticism to improve the experience and help make the weekend better than ever. We want to hear from you! Feedback is always welcome. Please write to us at feedback@dragonconreport.com and subscribe

ESO Network 10th Anniversary Panel Available on Patreon

Here is the ESO Network’s “Celebrating Ten Years of Podcasting” panel, recorded in front of a live audience in the Digital Media track room at DragonCon 2022! On the panel were ESO Board of Directors members Mike Faber, Michael Gordon, Mary Ogle, and Kevin Eldridge. (Board member Dr. Scott Viguié

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