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Timestamp: Class Summary

Class Summary Class was far from the strongest entry in the Doctor Who universe. The concept was a great idea, effectively introducing a Buffy the Vampire Slayer-style ensemble into the mix with a group of classmates fighting evil to defend their school. What we got was a dysfunctional troupe that made

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Timestamp #CLS7: The Lost

Class: The Lost (1 episode, s01e08, 2016) From the shadows rises a cliffhanger. Six days after the detention events, bad omens rise as April debuts her song The Lost on a café stage. The Lost is obviously about the Coal Hill Defenders and their families. Of that group, Ram suffers immediate

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Timestamp #CLS6: The Metaphysical Engine, or What Quill Did

Class: The Metaphysical Engine, or What Quill Did (1 episode, s01e07, 2016) Meanwhile, not in detention… Miss Quill locks the students in detention and then goes to see Ms. Ames in the school hall. The goal is to remove the arn, but Dorothea Ames warns Quill that the process may

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Timestamp #CLS5: Detained

Class: Detained (1 episode, s01e06, 2016) Confessions, frustrations, and an uncertain future. As four objects fall through space toward a rift, Miss Quill tosses the Coal Hill defenders into detention. She claims to have other things to do as she locks the door. Once she leaves, April unlocks the door

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Timestamp #CLS4: Co-Owner of a Lonely Heart & Brave-ish Heart

Class: Co-Owner of a Lonely Heart Class: Brave-ish Heart (2 episodes, s01e04-05, 2016) Loads of character development in a two-hour adventure. Co-Owner of a Lonely Heart Far across the universe in the halls of the Shadow Palace on The Underneath, Corakinus receives word that his servants can make his heart

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Timestamp #CLS3: Nightvisiting

Class: Nightvisiting (1 episode, s01e03, 2016) When memories become weeds. On the two-year anniversary night of Tanya’s father’s death, she is visited by something that resembles him. She doubts his appearance, believing that he is a hallucination, but the being has actual memories of their lives together. If she takes

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Timestamp #CLS2: The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo

Class: The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo (1 episode, s01e02, 2016) The episode that played with boredom. Picking up after his injury in the fight against the Shadow King, Ram has trouble adjusting to his new leg. His performance during a football game disappoints Coach Dawson and Ram’s father Varun.

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Timestamp #CLS1: For Tonight We Might Die

Class: For Tonight We Might Die (1 episode, s01e01, 2016) A threat like the Hellmouth and a warrior like the Doctor. At Coal Hill Academy, a student runs through the halls in the dark of the night. A woman pulls him into hiding but a molten creature still finds them.

back to school

Going Back To School in 2020 – Soul Forge Podcast 169

March Break is finally over. Summer time fun is at an end. You’re going back to school in 2020. It’s a weird time in the history of humanity. Never has a society shut down like it has this year. In this episode, we remember back to school rituals. The coming

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