
Modern Musicology #99 - Holiday Music

#99 – Holiday Music

Holiday Music The Winter Holidays are full of great music! Anthony, Stephanie and Alan share some of their favorite holiday traditions and talk about their favorite Christmas music. And as you’d expect, it’s an eclectic mix to say the least, ranging from traditional Latin hymns to heavy metal holly! We have a couple of

Flopcast 555 Santa with Ms Pac-Man and Pac-Man

Flopcast 555: Cheers and Chickens

Last show of the year! So it’s a quick one, as we look back on another goofy year of Flopcasting, including our 2022 Flopcast guests (all four of them), our strict cupcake and lobster roll diet program, and our ongoing obsession with Canadian PSAs. Plus: Happy Birthday to Ted Danson!

Flopcast 554 Albert and Father Mouse

Flopcast 554: Santa is a Jerk – Our Holiday Crossover Spectacular

Flopcast episode 554! Lots of weird holiday mirth and/or merriment this week! First we celebrate National Hard Candy Day with a True Tale of Ribbon Candy. Then Kornflake’s annual pilgrimage to the Trap Tree yields startling results. Kornflake also has a new favorite holiday special, and of course the star

Flopcast 553 Professor Hinkle and Frosty

Flopcast 553: Alive As We Could Be

Flopcast episode 553! It’s no secret that we’re obsessed with holiday cartoons, and this week we’re diving into Frosty the Snowman and its sequels. Everyone knows the 1969 Rankin/Bass original, in which Frosty and Karen hitch a train to the North Pole so Frosty can melt away while Karen freezes to death.

Flopcast 552 Mego clowns

Flopcast 552: You Bring the Sasquatch

Flopcast episode 552! For our holiday shopping, we’re traveling back to 1981 and looking through an advertisement flyer from Child World, a toy store chain that just happened to have a Woonsocket, Rhode Island location. Kevin and Kornflake have selected 4 ½ gifts for each other, but we used very

Flopcast 551 Tom Bosley in Santa hat

Flopcast 551: Trouble at the Lumberjack Factory

As is tradition around here, we’re taking a bunch of those Hallmark-style made-for-TV holiday movies, and we’re fixing them. Over 150 goofy new holiday movies are debuting this year, and they’re all the same: random big city career women are returning to their hometowns to save their grandfathers’ stuggling figgy

Cosmic Pizza Podcast: Episode 43 – Office Christmas Party Pt2

Hello Everyone, and welcome to the Cosmic Pizza Podcast Office Party. This week the guys just talk about anything and everything. As with last week we have included some discussions we have had after the official recording has stopped. I have bleeped out some of the stronger naughty works but

Cosmic Pizza Podcast: Episode 42 – The Office Christmas Party Pt1

Hello Everyone, and welcome to the Cosmic Pizza Podcast Office Party. This week the guys just talk about anything and everything along with a quiz for Dan and Shawn. How well do you know Cockney Rhyming Slang and British Slang terms? This week we have included some discussions we have

Flopcast 503 Yukon Cornelius

Flopcast 503: We Are the Woo Girls – Our Holiday Crossover Spectacular

Flopcast episode 503! It’s our final show of 2021! So we’re just relaxing and looking back on another ridiculous year of Flopcasting. (Yikes, we spent a lot of time obsessing over The Facts of Life. And we’re not quite done.) But we also have a couple of special guests, because this

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