
The Flash Season 9

The 42cast Episode 209: Kicking the Habit

It’s the end of an era as we come to the very last season of the very last Arrowverse series as we discuss the final season of The Flash. It’s ten years to the day that the series premiered, so it feels especially fitting that we do this topic. In

The Flash Season 8

The 42cast Episode 171: Negative Reinforcement

Last year we watched the Arrowverse implode. Due to cancellations and a narrative divorce what had been a mega franchise with four different iterations was wittled down to just a single entry – The Flash. I this episode we review the penultimate season of The Flash. We discuss the characters,

Arrow Season 8

The 42cast Episode 95: Savior of the Universe

After seven seasons, Oliver Queen finally saved Starling City, but as a Crisis loomed he once more stepped unto the breech to save all of reality from annihilation. In this episode we discuss Season 8 of Arrow. We talk about the familiar faces returning, how it works as a wrap-up,

The Earth Station DCU Episode 177 – Arrow Series Finale

This Week on Earth Station DCU! Drew Leiter and Cletus Jacobs say farewell to Arrow. Cheshire takes a Semi to the back while Riddler is hooked in the pulse of Gotham in Batman #87. A demon invades Gotham in Detective Comics #1019. A new Green Lantern investigates murders in Far

The Earth Station DCU Episode 176 – Arrowverse Post Crisis

This Week on Earth Station DCU! Drew Leiter and Cletus Jacobs visit the new Earth Prime as we discuss the Arrowverse post crisis. Arthur and Mera talk about the future as they deal with the trench in Aquaman #46. Deathstroke comes to Gotham along with other Assassins in Batman #86.

The Earth Station DCU Episode 173 – 2019 Winter Recap

This Week on Earth Station DCU! Drew Leiter and Cletus Jacobs return from their weeks long Hiatus to recap what has been going on in DC Comics and Television. All this plus our normal rants, Shoutouts, Cletus’s pick of the week, and much, much more!

The Earth Station DCU Episode 172 – Dead Man Running

This Week on Earth Station DCU! Drew Leiter and Cletus Jacobs are dead men running as we review more DC comics, television, and news. Black Manta attacks Amnesty Bay in Aquaman #53. The Bat and the Cat enact their plan to take back Gotham in Batman #81. Wally must change

The Earth Station DCU Episode 171 – Arrow Season 8 Premier

This Week on Earth Station DCU! Drew Leiter and Cletus Jacobs are joined by Ashley Pauls to talk about the Arrow Season 8 Season Premier! Catwoman survives the Lazarus Pit in Catwoman #16. Mr. Freeze thwarts Batman as he attempts to bring back Nora in Detective Comics #1013. Leviathan unmasks


The 42cast Episode 57: Family Feud

This week, green is the new black as we discuss season 7 of Arrow. Oliver Queen has been thrown in jail, and a new Green Arrow appears on the scene in the form of Oliver’s secret half-sister, Emiko. The Queen family tree may have more hidden branches than the Charmings’,

Pop Culture Police – Rusted Robot Podcast 254

Who are the pop culture police? Brother Robin joins Shawn to talk about the latest in pop culture news and entertainment. Quentin Tarantino and Once Upon A Time in Hollywood are discussed and dissected. There is also speculation on a Tarantino Star Trek future. Another Life on Netflix. The show

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