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Together with my Earth Station One co-hosts, Mike and William Faber (Howdy Mike Gordon was attending the Boston Comic Con and couldn’t join us) I made the short journey to the 2012 Trek Trax convention in Atlanta, GA on April 21st. Although the show ran Friday through Sunday, I was only able to make it on Saturday. A special thanks to Theresa Parker for coming on ESO to promote the show and for the passes. Much appreciated. We passed out some promotional cards, talked up the ESO podcast, and I even managed to sell a couple of books, which is always a nice bonus.
Trek Trax is a small convention, but it was clear that the attendees were enjoying themselves. Costumed fans were everywhere, mostly Klingons, but some Starfleet uniforms as well, mostly from the original series era. Everyone seemed to have a grand ol’ time. Plus, there was a Klingon wedding, which I wasn’t able to attend, but I saw the photos and it looked rather cool.
Two of the highlights for me included meeting screenwriter Morgan Gendel, who penned one of best Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes, “The Inner Light.” He also wrote other episodes of TNG as well as Star Trek: Deep Space Nine among other popular series like Law & Order. Mr. Gendel told me that he is currently working on a graphic novel sequel to “The Inner Light” called “The Outer Light.”
Another highlight for me was meeting Starship Farragut’s Michael Day and Michael Bednar. Although I know Michael Day, this was my first time meeting Mike Bednar. (As you can tell, I am constantly surrounded my people named Mike. It’s scary, isn’t it?) I got to see a rough-cut of their next episode, which looks fantastic. Cheralyn Lambeth, who plays a Romulan Commander, was also on hand to talk about the project. Check out the official Starship Farragut page at for more.
All in all, I had a fun time at Trek Trax. The staff was easy to find if you needed anything. Plus, the convention offered a con suite with free drink and munchies, which is always a nice treat.
Looking forward to seeing the 2013 guest list.
You can learn more about Trek Trax at