Drew Leiter

BatChums Episode 33 – Fine Finny Fiends

Batman ’66 S1 Ep33 – Fine Finny Fiends The Penguin captures and brainwashes Alfred to be his unwitting pawn for his plan against a wealthy social event. Episode aired Wednesday May 4, 1966 Director: Tom Gries Writer: Sheldon Stark Cast: Adam West – Batman / Bruce Wayne Burt Ward –

The Earth Station DCU Episode 396 – Inside Man

This Week on Earth Station DCU! Drew Leiter and Cletus Jacobs continue to review the inside man himself…The Penguin. A mysterious group of magic casters emerges from the shadows to accuse Zatanna of wielding great and terrible magic against one of their own…her father in Zatanna: Bring Down the House

BatChums Episode 32 – The Riddler’s False Notion

Batman ’66 S1 Ep32 – The Riddler’s False Notion As the Dynamic Duo pursue the Riddler, they discover the true purpose behind his cinematic theme and his ultimate target. Episode aired Thursday April 28, 1966 Director: Charles R. Rondeau Writer: Richard Carr Cast: Adam West – Batman Burt Ward –

The Earth Station DCU Episode 395 – The Penguin Season Premiere

This Week on Earth Station DCU! Drew Leiter and Cletus Jacobs are joined by Howdy Mike Gordon from the BatChums Podcast to talk about the season premiere of The Penguin! All this plus, DC News, Shout Outs, and much, much more! ———————— Table of Contents 0:00:00 Show Open 0:00:52 DC

BatChums Episode 31 – Death in Slow Motion

Batman ’66 S1 Ep31 – Death in Slow Motion The Riddler is back, and is pursuing a silent movie theme with his latest scheme. Episode aired Wednesday April 27, 1966 Director: Charles R. Rondeau Writer: Richard Carr Cast: Adam West – Batman Burt Ward – Robin Alan Napier – Alfred

The Earth Station DCU Episode 394 – Color Me Grey

This Week on Earth Station DCU! Drew Leiter and Cletus Jacobs continue their new format of using DC’s prewritten synopsis for the comics…we’ll see if we stick with that! Slade Wilson is hired by Vandal Savage to take out an enemy, but does it turn out to be his own

BatChums Episode 30 – While Gotham City Burns

Batman ’66 S1 Ep30 – While Gotham City Burns To steal the Batmobile for a grand scheme, the Bookworm prepares a bizarre deathtrap for the Dynamic Duo.. Episode aired Thursday April 21, 1966 Director: Larry Peerce Writer: Hendrik Vollaerts Cast: Adam West – Batman / Bruce Wayne Burt Ward –

The Earth Station DCU Episode 393 – Sweet Tooth Series Finale

This Week on Earth Station DCU! Drew Leiter and Cletus Jacobs discuss the Sweet Tooth Series Finale! Uncovering a mystery involving ancient relics, Batman must battle against Talia al Ghul and the League of Shadows for control of a dangerous weapon in Batman: Gotham by Gaslight – The Kryptonian Age

BatChums Episode 29 – The Bookworm Turns

Batman ’66 S1 Ep29 – The Bookworm Turns When Commission Gordon’s death is faked by the Bookworm, the Dynamic Duo must track down the literate criminal to find out what he is up to. Episode aired Wednesday April 20, 1966 Director: Larry Peerce Writer: Hendrik Vollaerts Cast: Adam West –

The Earth Station DCU Episode 392 – The Road Ends Here

This Week on Earth Station DCU! Drew Leiter and Cletus Jacobs learn that the road ends here. Robin Damien Wayne teams up with Red Hood to hunt down the demon terrorizing Gotham City in The Boy Wonder #2. Dinah and the other Birds land in Dino-World as they continue to

BatChums Episode 28 – The Pharaoh’s in a Rut

Batman ’66 S1 Ep28 – The Pharaoh’s in a Rut Bruce frees himself just before the cart he is riding goes over a cliff. As Batman, he works to bring King Tut to justice. But the hero is captured by King Tut instead. Batman is then tortured as King Tut

BatChums Episode 27 – The Curse of Tut

Batman ’66 S1 Ep27 – The Curse of Tut A former academic who thinks he is really King Tut has returned. Batman and Robin seek his capture. A twist occurs, however, when King Tut’s gang kidnaps Bruce Wayne. They are taking the millionaire in an ambulance. As Bruce tries to

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