book review

‘Exchange’ review by Ron Fortier

EXCHANGE By Dale R. Cozort Stairway Press 246 pages One of the most favorite sci-fi themes is that of multi-dimensional copies of the same world. The writer posits there are countless versions of our earth all existing simultaneously in other dimensions removed from our own. That’s the core plot foundation

Kill Me, Darling Review By Ron Fortier

KILL ME, DARLING By Mickey Spillane & Max Allan Collins Titan Books Available in March 2015 241 pages Every now and then the universe offers up such an unexpected surprise, we are left with such a euphoric rush as to describe the feelings as miraculous. That was our experience just

The Executioner’s Heart Review By Ron Fortier

THE EXECUTIONER’S HEART A Newbury & Hobbes Investigation By George Mann Tor Books 349 pages George Mann is quickly becoming one of our favorite writers. In fact, we actually nominated one of his two Ghost novels for the Pulp Factory Awards a few years ago. He’s a bonafide writer of

Athena Voltaire – Compendium Review By Ron Fortier

ATHENA VOLTAIRE – COMPENDIUM By Steve Bryant Dark Horse 240 pages When’s the last time you were able to buy a terrific comic book hardback for $20? You’re probably scratching your head right now and coming up with squat. That’s because it’s been that long a time since a superb,

The Adventures of Fortune McCall Review By Ron Fortier

THE ADVENTURES OF FORTUNE McCALL By Derrick Ferguson Pro Se Press 149 pages One of the problems faced by any reviewer is simply not having enough time to read all the books delivered to us over time. In our attempts to examine a wide variety of pulp fiction, we often

Quarry’s Choice Review By Ron Fortier

QUARRY’S CHOICE By Max Allan Collins Hard Case Crime 227 pages If you’re a fan of hard-hitting crime novels, a new Quarry book is always a case for celebration. “Quarry’s Choice,” is no exception. In this one, Collins takes us back in time to the early 70s when our Vietnam

‘Moonlight Weeps’ Book Review By Ron Fortier

MOONLIGHT WEEPS (A Dick Moonlight Thriller) By Vincent Zandri In & Out Books 236 pages Dick Moonlight is Private Eye working in Albany, New York. At one time he tried to take his own life by blowing his brains out. Against all odds, he survived only to learn that the

The Gods of Gotham Review by Ron Fortier

THE GODS OF GOTHAM By Lyndsay Faye Berkley Books 427 pages One of the joys of reading any Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes mystery is their settings. It is unlikely Doyle’s purpose was ever to offer an historical travelogue but nonetheless we are given such in each and every tale.

Adonis Morgan (Nobody Special) Review by Ron Fortier

ADONIS MORGAN (Nobody Special) By Frank Byrns 115 pages Pro Se Press There are several respected writers in the New Pulp movement who specialize in tales of realistic superheroes. One of the best is writer Frank Byrns as he amply demonstrates in this paperback collection starring his metahuman character, Adonis

Kings of Oblivion Review by Ron Fortier

LEGION III – KINGS OF OBLIVION By Van Allen Plexico White Rocket Books 335 pages For those of you who haven’t been keeping up, this is the third and final volume of Van Plexico’s THE SHATTERING trilogy. It is a mind-blowing, action packed finale far greater than anything we could

DNA Review by Ron Fortier

DNA By Raven Bourne Self-Published Available at 405 pages Long ago, after Star Trek had become a huge media success, the book world jumped on the profit-bandwagon and we were suddenly flooded with new Trek novels written by multitudes of recognized sci-fi authors and eventually others by amateurs entering


Ron Fortier returns with another Pulp Fiction Review. This time out Ron takes a look at White Fire, A Special Agent Pendergast Mystery by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child from Vision Books.

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