Tom Baker

The Watch-A-Thon of Rassilon: Episode 106: The Creature from the Pit

The Watch-A-Thon of Rassilon: Episode 106: The Creature from the Pit (Doctor Who and the Dirty Boys)

Toni and Joe discuss Dick Magic, Tit Talk, and EGG! as the Green Bulge rides again in the Classic Doctor Who serial The Creature from the Pit. This episode is brought to you by Friend of Rassilon, Matt Golden. If you’re interested in being a Friend of Rassilon, click here. Download • YouTube • RSS • Patreon • iTunes • Stitcher • Google Play • ESO

The Watch-A-Thon of Rassilon: Episode 103: The Armageddon Factor

The Watch-A-Thon of Rassilon: Episode 103: The Armageddon Factor (You Can’t Just Steal a Dog!)

Joe and Toni discuss mystical webcams, the Trojan K9, and our good friend Mintendo in the Classic Doctor Who serial The Armageddon Factor. This episode is brought to you by Friend of Rassilon, bisexualbrigadier. If you’re interested in being a Friend of Rassilon, click here. Download • YouTube • RSS • Patreon • iTunes • Stitcher • Google Play • ESO Network

The Watch-A-Thon of Rassilon: Episode 102: The Power of Kroll

The Watch-A-Thon of Rassilon: Episode 102: The Power of Kroll (Kroll Show)

Joe and Toni discuss Shrek and the bagel problem in the Classic Doctor Who serial The Power of Kroll. This episode is brought to you by Friend of Rassilon, bisexualbrigadier. If you’re interested in being a Friend of Rassilon, click here. Download • YouTube • RSS • Patreon • iTunes • Stitcher • Google Play • ESO Network

The Watch-A-Thon of Rassilon: Episode 100: The Stones of Blood

The Watch-A-Thon of Rassilon: Episode 100: The Stones of Blood (Rad Frocks Represent)

Joe and Toni are joined by @radiantbaby of @terminusdwpodcast to celebrate the 100th serial of Classic Doctor Who, The Stones of Blood. Paint and feathers get everywhere. This episode is brought to you by Friend of Rassilon, @bisexualbrigadier . If you’re interested in being a Friend of Rassilon, click here. Download • YouTube • RSS • Patreon • iTunes • Stitcher • Google Play • ESO Network

The Watch-A-Thon of Rassilon: Episode 99: The Pirate Planet

The Watch-A-Thon of Rassilon: Episode 99: The Pirate Planet (A Very Very Good Sandwich)

By the Podcast of the Sky Demon, Toni and Joe drop some Calufacts and ask what is it for in the Classic Doctor Who serial The Pirate Planet. This episode is brought to you by Friend of Rassilon, bisexualbrigadier. If you’re interested in being a Friend of Rassilon, click here. Download • YouTube • RSS • Patreon • iTunes • Stitcher • Google

The Watch-A-Thon of Rassilon: Episode 98: The Ribos Operation

The Watch-A-Thon of Rassilon: Episode 98: The Ribos Operation (Binro WAS Right)

Joe and Toni are joined by Felicity Kusinitz of The Flopcast and Chris Cherry of Sam and Pat Are Depressed to discuss scringe stone, stunt scarves, and other good S-words in the Classic Doctor Who serial The Ribos Operation. This episode is brought to you by Friend of Rassilon, bisexualbrigadier.

The Watch-A-Thon of Rassilon: Episode 97: The Invasion of Time

The Watch-A-Thon of Rassilon: Episode 97: The Invasion of Time (Hey Thanks, Matt)

Toni and Joe are joined by The Unseen World co-creator Matt Golden to discuss Thanksgiving Turkey Glitter, Gallifriends, and a very noisy curtain in the Classic Doctor Who serial The Invasion of Time.  This episode is brought to you by Friend of Rassilon Matt Golden. If you’re interested in being a Friend of Rassilon, click here.

Earth Station Who Ep 209

Earth Station Who Podcast Episode 209 – State of Decay

The E-Space Trilogy continues as Mike, Mike, Mary, and Michael Falkner swarm with the Fourth Doctor and crew and try to avoid stepping in space guano. We want to hear from you! Please write us at Also, please subscribe and rate the show on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Google Plus,

The Watch-A-Thon of Rassilon: Episode 96: Underworld

The Watch-A-Thon of Rassilon: Episode 96: Underworld (Minions: Origins)

Joe and Toni describe basic shapes and discuss Zelda, Stab Man, and CSNo in the Classic Doctor Who serial Underworld. This episode is brought to you by Friend of Rassilon Matt Golden. If you’re interested in being a Friend of Rassilon, click here. Download • YouTube • RSS • Patreon • iTunes • Stitcher • Google Play • ESO Network

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