movie podcast

Earth Station One Ep 740 - Maestro Movie Review

Maestro Movie Review | Earth Station One

The end of the year is usually the season for the release of films aiming to receive awards, and previous winners Bradley Cooper and Carey Mullligan are currently featured in a biopic love story about an award-winning composer. Mike, Mike, and Jeff Dwoskin review the high and low notes of

Earth Station One Podcast Ep 738 | An Intro To Film Noir

An Introduction To Film Noir | Earth Station One

In the back alleys and dark shadows of the golden city of Tinsel Town, lives a genre of desperation, seduction, temptation, and brutality that all fall under the label Film Noir. Mike, Mike, Roby Levy, and Nick Fraser serve up their favorite sexy, smoky, and sour cinematic concoctions from the

Earth Station One Podcast Ep 737 - Godzilla Minus One Movie Review

Godzilla Minus One Movie Review

To celebrate the upcoming 70th anniversary of Gojira, Toho Studios recently released a throwback retelling set at the tail end of WWII. Mike, Mike, Alan J. Porter, Mark Holmes, and Drew Meyer review the newest Japanese import to hit our screens. Plus, Angela’s A Geek Girl’s Take, Ashley’s Box Office

Movie Thrillers | Tales From Hollywoodland Ep 18

Movie Thrillers | Tales From Hollywoodland

This week on Tales from Hollywoodland. Arthur, Julian, and Steve tackle the exciting thriller genre – including tense classics like “The Asphalt Jungle,” and “Charade.” “3 Days of the Condor,” “Ocean’s 11,” “All the President’s Men” and much much more. We want to hear from you! Feedback is always welcome.

Napoleon Movie Review - Earth Station One Ep 736

Napoleon Movie Review

Join the Earth Station One Podcast team as they embark on a cinematic journey through time with their latest episode featuring an in-depth review of the classic film ‘Napoleon.’ Delving into the iconic movie, the hosts provide insightful commentary on its historical significance, and innovative cinematic techniques. Alan J Porter

Earth Station One Podcast Ep 726 - A Haunting In Venice Review

A Haunting In Venice Movie Review

The Earth Station One movie crew takes a look at Kenneth Branagh’s third outing as Agatha Christie’s Hercule Poirot. Mike, Mike, Ashley, and Kelley Ceccato attend an Italian Halloween party that’s full of tricks and treats. All this, along with Angela’s A Geek Girl’s Take and Shout Outs. We want

Earth Station One Ep 724 - Fall / Winter Movie Preview

2023 Summer Movie Wrap-Up / Fall-Winter Preview

The Earth Station One Movie Crew bask in the afterglow of the summer of Barbenheimer. Mike, Mike, Ashley, and Matt Sweatman brace themselves for omelet facials before looking ahead to the potential remaining releases of the year. All this, along with Angela’s A Geek Girl’s Take, Michelle’s Iconic Rock Moment,

Oppenheimer Movie Review | ESO 718

Oppenheimer Movie Review

Our Barbenheimer coverage concludes with Christopher Nolan’s Oppi party. Mike, Mike, Ashley, and Lauren Knight take a look at this historical biopic of an American Prometheus. All this, along with Angela’s A Geek Girl’s Take and Shout Outs. We want to hear from you! Feedback is always welcome. Please write

An LGBT Look At Victor / Victoria | Earth Station One Ep 712

An LGBT Look At Victor / Victoria

The ESO Rainbow Room celebrates Pride Month with some farcical fun in Gay Paree. Mike, Mike, and Mary take a look at the Oscar-winning disguise surprise comedy of 1982. All this, along with Angela’s A Geek Girl’s Take and Shout Outs. We want to hear from you! Feedback is always

Asteroid City Movie Review | Earth Station One Ep 711

Asteroid City Movie Review

Amidst all the big summer blockbusters comes counter programming from Wes Anderson. Mike, Mike, Ashley, and Matt Sweatman take a look at a close encounter of the quirky kind. Plus, Creative Outlet with Gough aka “Mr. Eligible” and Shout Outs. We want to hear from you! Feedback is always welcome.

The Flash Movie Review - Earth Station One Ep 709

The Flash Movie Review

Damn it, Barry! The timeline is broken again and the DC Multiverse is in crisis. Mike, Mike, and Ashley are joined by ESDCU’s Drew and Cletus to take a look at the epic featuring the long-awaited return of Michael Keaton’s Dark Knight. Plus, Michelle’s Iconic Rock Moment, Creative Outlet with

Earth Station One Ep 703 - King Kong @ 90

The Earth Station One Podcast – King Kong At 90

Nine decades ago, “The Eighth Wonder of the World” made his debut and made such an impact (both literally and figuratively) that we are still riding the shockwaves. Mike, Mike, Ashley, and the award-winning artist Mark Maddox explore the introduction, inauguration, and inheritance of the King of the Apes. All

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