Captain Marvel

The Marvels

The 42cast Episode 217: Marvelous

The Marvels was the last MCU film of 2023. Combining plot threads from Captain Marvel, WandaVision, and Ms. Marvel, it created a crossover storyline to begin preparing the MCU for its next big event. In this episode we look at the movie and discuss whether it worked as a sequel

Earth Station One Podcast Ep 734 - The Marvels The Movie Review

The Marvels The Movie Review

Carol Danvers, Monica Rambeau, and Kamala Khan combine their powers to make this movie the most marvelous in the MCU. Mike, Mike, Ashley, and JD Onesi try to avoid being eaten by Flerken but they are just so darn cute. Plus, Angela’s A Geek Girl’s Take and Shout Outs! We

Movie review: The Marvels

It’s been a while since I walked out of a theater after watching a Marvel Cinematic Universe movie and found myself feeling absolutely delighted.  As a reviewer, I don’t like to focus on the negative, but at least for me, too many of the recent Marvel movies have missed the

Shazam Fury of the Gods

The 42cast Episode 187: Fury of the DCEU

Shazam was a surprise release from DC in 2019. The movie saw an effort to move away from the dark and gritty storytelling that had characterized DC movies since the late 80’s and move it back towards a more amusing bent. The movie was not as expensive as the more


The 42cast Episode 165: Horror Story

It’s nothing but madness in our latest episode as we review Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Join us as we discuss familiar and unfamiliar stars in this Marvel movie. Along the way we discuss the multiverse, how it’s handled, and the ramifications for Marvel. We opine on the


The 42cast Episode 158: Alternate Takes

Marvel has gone into the multiverse in a big way. In this episode we take a look at the biggest expression of that to date with What If. We discuss the series as the MCU’s first animation project. We discuss the What If concept and talk about which episodes worked

WandaVision poster

The 42cast Episode 145: Double Vision

WandaVision was the first of Marvel’s Disney+ releases. It faced the seemingly impossible task of progressing the story of Wanda and Vision despite the fact that the latter was dead. What followed was to date the most experimental of the MCU’s offerings, and one that had a wide distribution of

But First Let's Talk Nerdy 44

But First, Let’s Talk Nerdy Episode 44: A Badass and an Antihero

But First, Let’s Talk Nerdy Episode 44: This week Martha talks about Monica Rambeau (aka Captain Marvel, Photon, Pulsar, and Spectrum), and Brittany talks about Dr. Pamela Isley (aka Poison Ivy). But First, Let’s Talk Nerdy on Instagram! Please rate and review But First, Let’s Talk Nerdy on Apple Podcasts!

Avengers Four

The 42cast Episode 92: We’re in the Endgame Now

In 2008 Marvel released the movie, Iron Man, and the world would never be the same again. Now with their 22nd film, Marvel brings many of the story threads that they’ve been building for eleven years to a conclusion while leaving the door open for so many more stories. In

Captain Sparkle Fingers

The 42cast Episode 88: The Power of Shazam!

In 2015, DC released a list of a large number of DC movies extending into 2020. Of the movies announced for 2018 or later, Shazam was the only one that was neither rescheduled nor canceled. In this episode, we take a look at the Shazam film. We discuss the Captain


The 42cast Episode 84: I Should Rather Like a Cat Like That

Captain Marvel rocketed onto our screens last year. Marvel’s first female lead series provided and origin story for Marvel’s newest hero and gave some insight on the MCU of the 1980’s. We talk about the captain herself, the plot and tone of the movie, the old friends that we see

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