
Earth Station MCU Episode 8 – Valediction

Agent Carter covered a lot of ground in eight episodes, and the final episode had to finish out the story arc as well as tying up a lot of loose ends. In addition to reviewing Peggy’s final story, Jen, John and Mike talk about what’s coming up next on SHIELD,

Flopcast 147: Flying Monkeys Run in the Family

The Mayor of Chickentown reports on the Gallifrey One convention (where she met a Doctor Who-themed Muppet) and Rebecca Watson’s Quiz-o-Tron (where Mike Phirman had to count his chickens); during an impromptu Top 4 ½ List of frozen foods, we vaguely recall Hot Bites, Otter Pops, and horrifying school lunches; Howard

Earth Station MCU Episode Seven: Agent Carter, “S.N.A.F.U.”

They’re not kidding when they called this episode S.N.A.F.U. — the SSR loses yet another agent, Dottie gets a snazzy new outfit and baby carriage, we get to see an early experimental prototype of Extremis, and…..HEY — didn’t I see that plotline last weekend in “Kingsmen”? Jen, John and George

Cigar Nerds Podcast Episode 13: Cigar Nerds Man of The Year

Cigar Nerds Episode 13: Man of The Year This week we decided, with the Oscars going on, it was time to hand out our own award. So we present the first addition of Cigar Nerds MAN OF THE YEAR! This episode we take a look at the films and rolls

Flopcast 146: Like Phoebe Cates – Our MarsCon Preview

Next week, assuming we’re not grounded by a horrifying blizzard (place your bets now), Kevin and Kornflake shall return to Bloomington, Minnesota for MarsCon! In addition to seeing some of our favorite funny musicians, we’ll be hosting a game show-style live version of the Flopcast, and Kornflake will be back

Flopcast 145: Feeling a Little Swoosie

This week on The Flopcast: Kevin and Kornflake celebrate National Drink Wine Day by popping open a bottle of Rex Goliath Pinot Noir… and the Mayor of Chickentown crashes into the studio like Kool-Aid Man to join us. A coincidence? Perhaps. Anyway, a wine-fueled round of “The Pudding Pages” leads

Earth Station MCU Episode Six – Agent Carter, “A Sin to Err”

From the news about Spider-Man to “the darkest gates of the Abyss,” Jen, Mike Gordon and Drew Leiter discuss this week’s big deal between Sony and Marvel, as well as “A Sin to Err,” this week’s Agent Carter episode. Is Spidey getting his own movie? Are we going to have

Cigar Nerds Podcast Episode 12: Cogs and Conundrums

The Cigar Nerds Episode 12: Cogs and Conundrums. This week our nerds dust off their top hats and dive into the world of Steampunk. What the hell is Steampunk? Well, we sit down with the guys from the Ratchet Retrocast and try to figure that out in our intro to

Flopcast 144: USA for Chickentown

There comes a time for Kevin and Kornflake to devote the whole stupid show to the 30th anniversary of “We Are the World” by USA for Africa! We’re shameless 80s geeks, our Lionel Richie mugs are loaded with nasty black coffee, and we don’t care how long this takes. We

Earth Station MCU Episode 5 – The Iron Ceiling

Earth Station MCU is back, and in this episode Jen, John and George discuss the latest action-packed episode of “Agent Carter,” “The Iron Ceiling”. The Iron Commandos are back and Peggy is in her element again, commanding a group and getting stuff done. But how will that affect her relations

Earth Station MCU Episode 4 – The Blitzkreig Button

Earth Station MCU is back, and in this episode Jen and John are joined by Award Winning Author, Mr. Bobby Nash! We talk about Lego playsets, David Tennant as Purple Man, casting news for Captain America: Civil War, and this week’s tense episode of Agent Carter, “The Blitzkreig Button.” What

Flopcast 143: It’s Hip To Jump On Squares

Chickentown is completely buried in snow, but Kevin and Kornflake tunneled and/or tauntauned their way into the studio, just for you. This week Kevin reports on a Niki Luparelli show (Niki can sing like Marilyn, play the ukulele, hula hoop, and remove your tattoo, possibly all at once) and “Pulp

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