nerd talk

Halloween III Season Of The Witch| Episode 433

Jim discusses the one film in the “Halloween” franchise that does not include Michael Myers  – 1982’s “Halloween III: Season of the Witch,” starring Tom Atkins, Stacy Nelkin, Dan O’Herlihy, Michael Currie, Ralph Strait Jadeen Barbor, Brad Schacter, Garn Stephens, Jonathan Terry, Nancy Keyes, Al Berry, Wendy Wassberg, Essex Smith,

Children Of The Corn 1984| Episode 432

Jim looks back at a Stephen King short story adaption celebrating its 40th Anniversary – “Children Of the Corn,” starring Peter Horton, Linda Hamilton, Courtney Gaines, R.G. Armstrong, John Franklin, Jonas Marlowe, Robby Kiger, Anne Marie McEvoy, Julie Maddelena, and John Philbin. A fanatical group of children, following a religion

Ghostbusters 1984 | Episode 431

Madeline and Shane return to help Jim launch the 2024 Halloween Season with a look at the 1984 classic film “Ghostbusters,” starring Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, Sigourney Weaver, Rick Moranis, Annie Potts, Ernie Hudson, William Atherton, and directed by Ivan Reitman. Three scientists fight spooks and spirits in

Flopcast 646 Bikini Chicken Ladies

Flopcast 646: Dragon Con Review Part 3 – Screaming Bikini Chicken Ladies

Flopcast episode 646! Let’s wrap up our look back at Dragon Con 2024, before we have to creep back to Atlanta for Dragon Con 2025! The final two days of our favorite nerdfest included: Sci-Fi Court! (The Mayor defended Beastmaster, and Kevin defended Wonder Woman. But not the Wonder Woman you’re thinking of.) A

Son Of Frankenstein| Episode 430

Madeline Brumby and Shane Morton (Silver Scream Spook Show) join Jim for a rollicking discussion of the 1939 classic “Son Of Frankenstein,” starring Basil Rathbone, Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, LionelAtwill, Josephine Hutchinson, Donnie Dunagan, Emma Dunn, and Edgar Horton. Wolf Frankenstein goes to the village where his father years earlier

Flopcast 645 Fozzie and Gonzo Star Wars

Flopcast 645: Dragon Con Review Part 2 – Broil the Scientists

Flopcast episode 645! The Mayor of Chickentown joins Kevin and Kornflake as our look back at Dragon Con 2024 continues! This time we’re covering Friday and Saturday, when the convention was so crowded that we could not have squished one more nerd into Atlanta. Our coverage includes: The Geek Girls

Flopcast 644 Marta Bird

Flopcast 644: Dragon Con Review Part 1 – Do Not Drink It

Flopcast episode 644! Here we go with the first of three (yikes, hopefully no more than three) Dragon Con review episodes! This week Kevin and Kornflake go over everything that happened Wednesday and Thursday, as our giant Atlanta nerd festival was just getting started. Including: A meeting of the geeks

Flopcast 643 Last Starfighter

Flopcast 643: So Many Robots Out There

Flopcast episode 643! It’s Dragon Con weekend, but we didn’t forget about a weird Flopcast summer tradition: our annual robot-themed Top 4 ½ List! And we have a special guest to deliver the list: our old pal (and original Sponge Awareness Foundation member) Jim, finally making his Flopcast debut! Jim

Flopcast 642 Mr Furley

Flopcast 642: Dragon Con Preview Part 2 – Where the Cheese Is

Flopcast episode 642! Dragon Con is just days away, which means tens of thousands of nerds shall soon descend upon the unsuspecting city of Atlanta. (Actually, Atlanta knows we’re coming. They’re jacking up the price of giant rum drinks at this very moment…) Kevin and the Mayor of Chickentown will

The Terminator | Episode 426

Jim reflects on his first time watching James Cameron’s 1984 Sci-Fi Classic “The Terminator,” starring Linda Hamilton, Michael Biehn, Arnold Schwartznegger, Earl Boen, Paul Winfield, and Lance Henriksen. A killer cyborg is sent from the future to kill the mother of a future revolutionary. This classic spawned several sequels and

Flopcast 641 Pulaski and Riker

Flopcast 641: Dragon Con Preview Part 1 – Duck Time

Flopcast episode 641! Dragon Con, our favorite gigantic nerdfest of the year, is just a couple of weeks away, and we’re already exhausted. Today we’re looking at Dragon Con’s guest list of TV and movie stars, writers, artists, musicians, scientists, podcasters, puppeteers, and miscellaneous weirdos. Including: A trio of Lord of

Cigar Nerds Podcast: Deep End of the Pool

Cigar Nerds Podcast: Deep End of the Pool. The movie pairing we’ve been waiting for since Wolverine origins did a crap job is finally here. We’re talking Dead Pool and Wolverine. Possibly the greatest movie ever made. In Science we discuss lasers, hydrogen air taxi, moon vaults, and the speed

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