ESO Network


Flopcast 253: Ticket to Flop

Flopcast episode 253! Although they’re not Air Supply, we’re still excited about the upcoming reunion tour by another great Australian band, Midnight Oil. (Hey, Air Supply and Midnight Oil should tour together! And Men at Work too! We’ll bring the Vegemite sandwiches.) However, acquiring Midnight Oil tickets has been tricky.

Earth Station One Podcast Ep 360

The Earth Station One Podcast Episode 360 – Logan Movie Review

In the year 2000, Hugh Jackman clawed his way into pop culture as Wolverine. The years that followed were both kind and cruel to Ol’ Canucklehead, but now Mike, Mike, Ashley, Jennifer Hartshorn, and Jay Sherer review the latest and possibly final chapter to see if Logan really is the

Earth Station DCU Ep 37

The Earth Station DCU Episode 37 – Gorilla City Unleashed

Join Drew Leiter and Cletus Jacobs as we discuss… DC News Superman #18 Batman #18 Nightwing #16 The Rise and Fall of Captain Atom #3 Supergirl: Being Super #2 Supergirl S2 Ep13 – Mr. & Mrs. Mxyzptlk Supergirl S2 Ep14 – Homecoming Flash S3 Ep13 – Attack on Gorilla City

The Cigar Nerds

Cigar Nerds Podcast Episode 64: 3 Guys 1 Pencil

Cigar Nerds Podcast Episode 64: 3 Guys 1 Pencil. This week it’s personal. People keep asking if we are back, Yeah I think we’re back! This week we are talking about the surprise action hit John Wick and how it has changed the action movie genre. In Blowing Smoke we

Earth Station One Podcast Ep 359

The Earth Station One Podcast Episode 359 – Geeky Guilty Confessions

ESO’s deepest darkest secrets revealed! Mike, Mike, Dan Carroll, Jp Patrick, and Joseph Martinez divulge their guilty pleasures, hidden fandoms, and shameful addictions. Plus, Headlocked creator Michael Kingston wrestles with the Geek Seat and Ashley joins us to discuss the winners and losers of the 89th Academy Awards. All this,


Flopcast 252: Robot Mummies

Flopcast episode 252! The Mayor of Chickentown returns with a report from the Los Angeles Doctor Who convention known as Gallifrey One, where she found the original K9 robot dog (and yeah, some robot mummies), but did not find the great Luke Ski (or pants). Meanwhile Kevin breaks his vow

The Monster Scifi Show Podcast – Scifi News for 3/3/2017

For this week’s Scifi News podcast, Mr. Gene is on the show. As such, this is a heads up warning, Gene and I get graphic and crude with our language and humor. Please be aware, this episode is NSFW nor should it be played with small children around.

The 42 Cast Once Apon A Time

The 42cast Episode 5: Charming to the Last

The mid-season break is over and new episodes of Once Upon a Time come back to our screens tonight. In honor of that event, Ryan and Anji join the cast to talk about the first half of the season. It’s a conversation about Aladdin, Jasmine, the Land of Untold Stories,

Earth Station Who Ep 150

The Earth Station Who Podcast Episode 150 – The Power of Kroll

The Earth Station Who crew celebrates 150 episodes with the penultimate story in the Key to Time saga. Mike, Mike, Jen, and Mary cover themselves with Germanic green dye, braid their hair, and pray that the methane-filled monster Kroll can save them from this story. To be fair, he probably

The 42 Case Looks at Berlantiverse

The 42cast Episode 4: Berlanti Maxiverse The New 52 Part Two

It’s the second part of our two-part examination of the Berlanti maxiverse. This week I’m rejoined by Ryan and Sam to talk about the first half of the current seasons of Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow. Then we talk about the 3.1 part Invasion crossover that went through all four

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